Friday, October 15, 2004


My intentions are simple: I hope to one day be one of those blogs of notice on the front page. Why? I don't know. It'll never happen: only movie stars and writers get up there. Movie stars get everything. I think once it's time for the little guy to be prominently aggrandized on the front page. And thats me. Nobody reads this. Not even my freinds. Not even me. How more little can you get? You can't. That's as "little guy" as they come. My only real plan to achieve this is to continue to write nominally interesting things and hope one day someone takes notice. Ha. I'll get carpal tunnel before anyone notices this humble blog. But I shall strive forward like the prophets of yore. You know them.

I'm having a little trouble typing right now. I wish I could come up with some interesting excuse as to why. Oh yeah, uh, walrus blowjob. Very distracting. Yep.

To attract attention, I'm sure I need something really interesting on this site, beyond my stupid writings done out of boredom. Maybe pictures of silly cats. They're so silly. Or I could write poems. Because I have the right to write poetry simply by being on the internet. Or I could post some derogetory things about Republicans. Or I could post song lyrics to other peoples songs. Or I could bring up interesting news stories that you've probably already heard somewhere else.


Please send me e-mails or write comments to help put me under the belief that this site will one day be prominantly displayed on the front page. And because I'm lonely. Oh so lonely.


Blogger joey said...

Jack, I got your back. You read my blog and I'll read yours. And together we'll not only get on the front page, but we'll get to the top of the world! First we'll conquer the midwest, then the rest! Say what you'll need to say, spark a revolution! We're in this together!


1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ey man, i got yer back along with joey midway, in fact, we'll be gettin yer back in chicago on hallow's eve, if all goes according to plan. peas.

4:16 PM  

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