Monday, October 18, 2004

If I Give This A Title, It'll Seem Like I Have Something To Say

...Yeah, but I don't.

If you like both listening to music that you've downloaded from the internet and paying money (yes, I'm talking to all two of you!), check out my humble underdeveloped artist site: Yes, I make music. How about that, huh?

And of course, Thursdays from 2-4 pm.

Wow, I'm like an ad. Or a mormon.

I really don't have anything to say other than that. Why did I even bother to type anything? Out of sheer boredom. That's why I started this freakin' thing in the first place, isn't it? I needn't always have something to say, needn't I? Wait, to go along with my mission statement of trying to get on the front page, I oughta say something of marginal importance and interest...

Gee, our current administration is doing some things I disagree with, aren't they?

Now here's a link to another site.

There. I am officially of interest.


Blogger MC Harv said...

Hey, Emily! You should fuck off with that solicitous shit!

Have a nice day!

7:39 PM  

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