Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Oh Mine Futzging Gawrsh

Sorry about the barrage of shit talking as of late. I'm starting to give the impression there is nothing in my life worth noting other than that which falls out of my behind. I oughta change the title of this to The Log Blog, write a book of comedic phrasings and get my own series on Comedy Central.

I've begun to get a trifle of spam in my e-mail, and out of curiosity (and the fact that I really don't get much regular mail) I began to read some of it. My, how spam has changed since the last time I really paid it any mind. Has anyone else noticed a rash of increasingly literary spam messages? Every e-mail I get seems like it was lifted from a novel, with the phrase "ass licking lesbians" conveniently replacing "the frail shell of humanity" or what have you. It of course makes no sense whatsoever, as it has no context, is filled to the brim with keywords and sex terms, and likely randomly generated.

"Stalwart, young Timothy exited the premises with a singular goal. As he hummed to himself the hymns of his forefathers, there was but a small spritely nature to his step, implying a renewed sense of UNDERAGE HORSECOCK UNDERAGE HORSECOCK UNDERAGE HORSECOCK jubilation at the thought of his new beginnings. His photographic mind displayed the evenings events in intense detail. His photographic mind displayed the evenings events in intense detail. His photographic mind displayed the evenings events in intense detail. His photographic mind displayed the evenings events in intense detail. His photographic mind displayed the evenings events in intense detail. Never would he forget the free blinking lite games office supplies click here to put your penis somewhere special argyle sweaters help me i'm lonely hit floating eminem for magic prize, lest he be remiss toward future UNDERAGE HORSECOCK UNDERAGE HORSECOCK BALLS THE SIZE OF NATIONAL MONUMENTS CAN BE YOURS $9.95. There was going to be quite the climax to this adventure, which was actually only a paragraph in length."

I don't quite get it; are they trying to make you think this an actual excerpt from a story? Are they trying to appeal to an upscale, more literature-laden contingent of hard double anal lesbian milf sex fans? Does anyone fall for this?

Now is the winter of our discon-PIERCEDCLITSIXFEETLONGORDERNOW-tent.


Blogger T Kwong said...

I think our best bet is to use them as spoken word pieces over music.


4:57 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

I think it's a new sort of art.

Like when you see the sort of huge sculpture outside a museum (ours has a giant broom and dustbin) and you say "Look. It's art."

10:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is just a way for them to trick the spam filters.


12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is just a way for them to trick the spam filters.


12:40 AM  

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