Monday, May 22, 2006

Though His Novel Is Unsubstantial, His Unsubstantiability Is Quite Novel

I had ketchup today. On french fries.

Ketchup on french fries.

I normally don't have ketchup on french fries. I eat them with salt. I was never a fan of ketchup. One of my favorite things about Chicago hot dogs is they have everything on them except ketchup. But here we are. I had ate the rest of someones fries a few moons ago that had ketchup on them. I can't turn down free leftover food being offered up, no matter what it is. I scavenge. That's why I get drunk so easily, and also why I often drink the beer that has been used as an ashtray (if it's Old Style, I usually can't tell anyway). So I scavenged these fries with ketchup on them, and suddenly I had kind of a taste for them. So I had ketchup today. On french fries. And it was pretty good actually. It's going to be a step up to get comfortable with putting them on hashbrowns, but I hear that's the business as well. Wish me luck.

I used to not like strawberries when I was a kid. Now I do. Come to think of it, I don't know that I ever really disliked them, I think I just told myself I didn't like them. Early on I was convinced I was not a fan of strawberries and thus never ate them. See, I didn't like them, so why should I try them to see if I liked them? That is BACKWARDS logic, it is logic in REVERSE. Silly. I don't know where along the line I decided to like strawberries, but it definitely came upon me eating one. Wow, hey. This thing isn't so much the rotting pile of piss-death my mind somehow conjured up. And suddenly I wished this whole time that I had truned down strawberries because I didn't like them that I had fucked that particular notion and downed one anyway. The revelation would have come far earlier and I could've enjoyed the succulence for a longer amount of time.

I don't really hate any foods, and I haven't really, all my life. Growing up I was not finnicky, especially in comparison to my sister, who to this day refuses to eat spaghetti sauce. I think I almost made it a point to try new things and like all manner of food as a sort of competition. "What, she won't eat that? I'll eat it, MOOOOOOOM, and I'll liiiiiiiiiike it too ha ha ha ha" I'm glad I took this posturing. And this ketchup business is maybe my last stitch to get over. I never really hated ketchup. I just wasn't a fan. I didn't wear a t-shirt I bought from Ketchup's CafePress account for $24 that said "To(mato) Or Not To B(Catsup)e" nor did I splash ketchup on a foam finger and get beat up at a hockey game for yelling my love. So here I gave it a shit-shot and bucked the biddle. Man. French fries are kind of good with ketchup. What the fuck have I been missing.

I don't think this is a metaphor for anything really.


Blogger ssas said...

you're letting your food touch each other! aww. you're growing up.

wweblz--wweblz wobble but they don't fall down

1:29 PM  
Blogger T Kwong said...

Ketchup is still gross.

On everything.


9:45 PM  
Blogger thtgrl said...

just don't try ketchup on eggs. ketchup on eggs is nasty.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the contrary--I find ketchup on eggs to be delicious. Trust me on this one, Jack.

5:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jackykins, i'm bored. you should post something new. ENTERTAIN ME! NOW!

p.s. 10000 Days. 'Nuff said.

8:44 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

Sorry dude, I am like a million fucking kinds of busy lately. Promise to post as soon as I can though. Promise.

1:44 PM  

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