Thursday, August 21, 2008

Decidedly Decent Descent, Doesn't Dissapoint

I'm feeling good. I'm in, mixing a beat while making a mix tape featuring "Beat It Loose". Tonight is Last of the Record Buyers, and I'm showing off beats I've made earlier this week. I wrote a song with Megacat. I am maybe playing a show on Friday? At 1:30. I sometimes despise early-type jobs, those being the type that require early attendance. Well, that is what I have to look forward to every day come September. And I do look forward to that schedule, actually. It'll keep me on a routine and I'll have every day completely free after 3:00 PM. I do not look forward to Eva leaving. That happens in September as well.

But I do look forward to tonight, the present future. Tonight I am spinning fresh beats, after a fashion.

I have started my blog at the Wake, with or without them. Here's my official "Wake Magazine" blog, (Check the title please, and, the url), written by Jack Spencer. Coming soon: Interviews with Mr. Cecil Otter and duo Big Quarters. Also coming soon: A paycheck (i hope). Please pay attention as the blog's creator ponders his own posture (poor) and checks his wallet (poor).

I did make 3 dollars in tips today at work though. It was, admittedly, a truly luminescent movement of the pre-sealed Hot Dog from the warmer into the customer's ready hands. One can scarcely recall the last time a 3 dollar tip was so warranted. There wasn't even a cup; this man broke a 20 to do it. Tonight's event is... guess how much?

I'm feeling good. Cue James Brown. Oh shit, I should put some James Brown on this mix tape. Excuse me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of mix tapes -Oh Shit!- pretty much sums it up.


2:02 PM  

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