Jack's Professional Web-Blog of Proficient Professionalism
So I haven't really written anything in a long time, as those of you who may be still out there may have realized. Given that my last post was about how much snow was on the ground, it may have seemed downright abandoned. But that's not something I want to do. I enjoy writing here, but I haven't had a chance or really taken the time to do it. I had a busy schedule and I was basically tired of writing after taking two writing-intensive classes which expected a couple of pages of writing every couple of days. My typical moments of boredom were often filled with homework or simply falling asleep. But I'm going to try to keep it up, as I'm about to start working as a blogger for the school paper and I want to be in the habit again. This summer I'm going to be doing an Arts and Entertainment type blog for The Wake magazine concerning the local scene in the Twin Cities. I'm going to try to keep this one up more consistently alongside the new one.
I am living with my girlfriend in a one bedroom apartment in Minneapolis. She is moving back to Rhode Island in the fall. I have one semester left of college and then I will go live with her in January. I am currently unemployed and have resorted to my old throwback ways to get paid: Working at the gas station and opening my veins for scary laboratory experiments. Tomorrow, once again, I will wake up very early and spill my precious life-fluids into giant vats for money. The next day I work at a gas station over in St. Paul. I am poor.
I have released three CDs recently; you can listen to songs here. One is a full-length electronic and hip-hop instrumental album, one that will be out soon is all rap beats I've been working on lately, and one is a 5 song EP of me rapping (under the H.A.R.V. moniker, for lack of a better MC name) with my partner in rhyme Kid Step. Harv and Kid Step rocked a basement show one time. Expect me to skyrocket to international fame very shortly.
I went abroad to Mexico over winter break. I had a great host family and I had a wonderful time down there. I did not get Montezuma's Revenge like I did last time I was there, but my stools were certainly not smooth going at all times. My roommate got it while there and had similar awful experiences. He returned with the same big-eyed expression of shame and disbelief I retained after witnessing the bowl covered in what looked like a crime scene where the weapon was Arby's chili. He was in bed much of the time, getting up every five minutes with disturbing regularity to go take a shit that must've felt like the devil punching his way out of hell. I pitied him not, for such is the nature of Montezuma the Mighty's terrible vengeance: There are no winners. The custom in Mexico was to wipe your ass and throw the toilet paper into the trash rather than flush it as it is not good for the plumbing. This often leads to piles of shit accumulating next to the toilet. I am glad this is not the custom in the United States as I rarely take out the garbage and I'm afraid some of my assorted dump leftovers will begin to feed on themselves and come to life. Don't ask me why the first things I think about coming home from a foreign country are both so shit-centric, I suppose I should be talking about mountains or something. Anyhow. Mexico. That is where I was for a little bit.
Uh, I don't know, I guess I worked at a bagel place. When you cut a bagel in half, stuff can go in it like cream cheese or eggs. Many people thought I should cut their bagels in half and apply cream cheese to both sides. That is often what I did, though other demands were not without their place. I also cashiered in the same cafeteria. It was so exciting I think I'm done writing about it.
It's summer now and I've done some fun things. I went rollerskating and also I think at some point I drank alcohol with people who thought it was a good idea if a bunch of people congregate and drink alcohol. Noise came out of a guitar I own. I saw some movies. I applied for jobs I didn't get. Oh! I cleaned the fucking house. I wrote lengthy papers about rap music. I made a little computer animation thing which I suppose could be put on that whole YouTube thing. Hmm. Yep. That sounds like a collection of things I did.
I don't know of what to write, as is often the case. I'll try to be better about writing in this thing and will come up with something to say eventually.
I am living with my girlfriend in a one bedroom apartment in Minneapolis. She is moving back to Rhode Island in the fall. I have one semester left of college and then I will go live with her in January. I am currently unemployed and have resorted to my old throwback ways to get paid: Working at the gas station and opening my veins for scary laboratory experiments. Tomorrow, once again, I will wake up very early and spill my precious life-fluids into giant vats for money. The next day I work at a gas station over in St. Paul. I am poor.
I have released three CDs recently; you can listen to songs here. One is a full-length electronic and hip-hop instrumental album, one that will be out soon is all rap beats I've been working on lately, and one is a 5 song EP of me rapping (under the H.A.R.V. moniker, for lack of a better MC name) with my partner in rhyme Kid Step. Harv and Kid Step rocked a basement show one time. Expect me to skyrocket to international fame very shortly.
I went abroad to Mexico over winter break. I had a great host family and I had a wonderful time down there. I did not get Montezuma's Revenge like I did last time I was there, but my stools were certainly not smooth going at all times. My roommate got it while there and had similar awful experiences. He returned with the same big-eyed expression of shame and disbelief I retained after witnessing the bowl covered in what looked like a crime scene where the weapon was Arby's chili. He was in bed much of the time, getting up every five minutes with disturbing regularity to go take a shit that must've felt like the devil punching his way out of hell. I pitied him not, for such is the nature of Montezuma the Mighty's terrible vengeance: There are no winners. The custom in Mexico was to wipe your ass and throw the toilet paper into the trash rather than flush it as it is not good for the plumbing. This often leads to piles of shit accumulating next to the toilet. I am glad this is not the custom in the United States as I rarely take out the garbage and I'm afraid some of my assorted dump leftovers will begin to feed on themselves and come to life. Don't ask me why the first things I think about coming home from a foreign country are both so shit-centric, I suppose I should be talking about mountains or something. Anyhow. Mexico. That is where I was for a little bit.
Uh, I don't know, I guess I worked at a bagel place. When you cut a bagel in half, stuff can go in it like cream cheese or eggs. Many people thought I should cut their bagels in half and apply cream cheese to both sides. That is often what I did, though other demands were not without their place. I also cashiered in the same cafeteria. It was so exciting I think I'm done writing about it.
It's summer now and I've done some fun things. I went rollerskating and also I think at some point I drank alcohol with people who thought it was a good idea if a bunch of people congregate and drink alcohol. Noise came out of a guitar I own. I saw some movies. I applied for jobs I didn't get. Oh! I cleaned the fucking house. I wrote lengthy papers about rap music. I made a little computer animation thing which I suppose could be put on that whole YouTube thing. Hmm. Yep. That sounds like a collection of things I did.
I don't know of what to write, as is often the case. I'll try to be better about writing in this thing and will come up with something to say eventually.
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