Friday, September 07, 2007

Tan Horse Debacle

Oh my. Oh geez. Oh boy. Once again I have proven myself quite the sluf-a-bed-a-bout by not posting on here for these lo fifteen years, six months, four days and nine hours. Oh my. This tends to happen to me over the summer, as this blog is intended primarily to distract me from my schoolwork, of which there is none for a good three months. I do my best to be diligent and find some dumb topic to be stupid about, but most of the time ain't nothing worthy of talking about comes up. I am quite bad at figuring out topics to write about, mainly because I refuse to pull a typical blogger plop of "This Is What I Done Be Did'd Today" and the like. For those of us who live maliciously uninteresting lives, I am often at a loss for words. People tend to ask me things like "How was your summer?" at the beginning of the school year and I find myself with little else to say other than "Uh... How was yours?" Perhaps this is the sign of a man who ought not to be blogging. Blaaaaawwwwggggging. There's too many G's in blogging. Maybe I've gone over that before.

Anyhow, I guess I moved into a nice apartment with my girlfriend. That's pretty nifty. I'm excited to live in this place and excited for the new year, but still finding myself at a trademark loss of words. I have a sort of strange approach to writing, I guess. I feel off writing Thank You notes, letters to grandparents, birthday cards and in yearbooks, the typical places most non-writers write, but I can spout your damn ear off about cereal or the sign above my apartment that squeaks. Though as of now I am in the mood to do neither. I also feel the need to entertain with this little space and thus far, I'm sure, I'm doing a pretty crappy job with this missive.

Maybe all I'll say for now is this is the beginning of my (hopefully) last year in college, I hope to have lots to say through this year, and I hope some semi-interesting things happen to me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

S´good to hear from you. You don´t have to feel like a dancing monkey on a stage man, you´re just being your own person man. I generally feel that most people need to stop blogging, but for whatever reason you´re able to take a medium of shit and fill it with gold (frequently by filling it with words about shit), I´m not sure how you do it. Anyway, I mostly wanted to apologize for the odd phone call we had the other day, I was at this uber christian´s house and she was totally and obviously eavesdropping on me, so I didn´t really feel free to express myself. Anyway, you probably won´t read this for like a month, so I´ll try to call you again before that. I miss you, my droog,

8:23 AM  
Blogger ssas said...

Nope. I came here for dancing monkeys, Jack, so DANCE, MONKEY! DANCE!!

7:31 AM  

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