Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Have Not Had The Internet

The internet, she does not work. She does not work, you see. Oh on these tepid September days no light doth beacon me. Achewood and news I cannot check, nor e-mails can I proscribe. Pornography has left my reach, this blog has all but died. Homework, if I may opine, relies too much on web sites, has been a hassle and a hell as the net doth read its death rites. Luddite, I, and sympathizers rage against machines, yet who among us hasn't found a need for these retched fiends? I type to you today amidst librarians and students, cursing the name of the internet, my language at its crudest. It is now the third week sans this blasted technology; the Comcast guy's a dicklick and has yet to acknowledge me. Shit doth piss one the fuck off, I scream and rave and rant. I simply wish to look up the bus line, yet find I simply can't. I know at one time the whole world survived without computers, but this shit has become a drug and I've become a user.

So fuck the internet anyway, yeah, fuck it all to hell. I'll get by as best I can, I guess it's just as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yar matey, be ye's trying to add a whiff o' class to this here brothel? Ye mey festoon this filthy whore with words a'plent, but ye can't hide the stench of this wentch's cunt rent. YAAAARRRGHHH!! This year der ain't no mateys o' mine to mutiney and maul me, I'll drinks what me wants and I'll plunder whats I please. YARRR!!! These land lubbers in this here port act like they aint seen a no buccaneers befores. I'll ba sure ta teach them a ting er too. Before I set sails agains thell be missing ther rums and whiskeys, and ther womens innocence. YARRRH!!!

7:04 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

I have to send this to my brother. He hates all things computer related. And yes, he's a project manager for a software company.

2:48 PM  

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