Much Snow
Oh man there is quite the amount of white business out of doors oh damn ain't no thing unless you're me what lost his hat what ain't got mittens what has dual holes in pair of shoes allowing for snow to get sock/s wet snowballs all lodging in there making a little place for themselves uninvited styles stomping on wet balls all day white socks come back brown all nasty from gross snow what a truck done droved in also shoes get wet and stain socks ain't nothing as nasty as wet socks walking around in them yuck I realize that yeah I am white middle class college-age type who walks around and boo-hoo socks get wet whatever people dying in Africa also starvation at home and abroad wet socks ain't the worst what if I lost a limb or a kidney fell out my rectum all floating in the toilet but damn you know even some hungry Ethiopian would be all "Man wet socks, totally nasty" like, sure, he's all hungry but that doesn't mean his socks ain't wet hell of currently bothersome gotta walk around all day in that shit man and snow keeps falling also my jacket has a broken zipper so here I am all covered in flakes chilly and wet stepping in what feels like goldfish in bags why even bother wearing clean socks right like I used to be all "uh-oh need to wear clean socks people gonna think I'm am such as a slob would be all wearing socks with the previous days smell already emanating plus the oncoming smell of the current proceedings" but who even gives two shits of a damn anymore these socks will get to tossing point soon if i keep walking gonna throw away many pairs and buy new ones but hate to get brand new socks all groders like these might as well you know tough balls it out with nasty socks what get progressively nastier man winter equals BALLS.
Got boots?
Of course not.
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