Friday, October 12, 2007

I Have So Many Double A Batteries

I have so many double A batteries. I have truly a large amount of double A batteries currently in my possession. This is absolutely uncanny, this amount. Oh my goodness, would you look at all of them, all of them over there in a pile together near one another. It is good. It is just so good to have that many double A batteries like that. And they all work. That is the beautiful. They all work, every one. Not a dud in the bunch, they are all brand new, several of them still in their box. How did I get so many double A batteries? Where did they come from? Is this where all the batteries that are not included wind up? I am Sold Separately Depot. I needed to use double A batteries for this thing that takes batteries just now, at this late hour of the night, and lo and wouldn't you know it I not only have some and some more but I have LOTS. So many double A batteries that it's almost a shame. Yes, a shame. I feel bad that I have so many double A batteries. It is not right for one man to have so many. There are remote controls and CD players and Christmas toys all across this great nation that are struck useless without batteries, and here I am having a lot. What business could I possibly have for all of them. But I did need some at this ungodly unholy demonic bewitching hour and that makes me happy inside that I have them, the double A batteries, because even though I have a lot it is sometimes good to have a lot because it would be better to have a lot and not need them than to have zero and need more than zero.

There is a saying where I come from. I don't remember it.


Blogger Rh0mbus said...

What do you call it when you beat up a recovering alcoholic?

AA battery.

10:19 AM  
Blogger ssas said...

Heh, good one.

You must have been a boy scout once, Jack, to find yourself so prepared for a double A battery crisis.

8:04 AM  

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