Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Wonder How Much Time He Spends Writing The Title

Hello, all. I apologize, as I have been very busy and unable to write in here lately.

My friend is climbing a mountain.

Doesn't that sound epic as all hell?

Do you know how big mountains are?

They're called mountains. That's how big they are. Do you know they adjective mountainous? Use it in a sentence, then tell me that is not a big fucking thing. It's a mountain.

I am eating pretzels. I have eaten them before the date shown on the bag, hence they are of maximum freshness. They are called "Party Pretzels", the word "party" in neon block letters, reminiscent of the jovial events themselves. Eva and I had a party, and were eating Party Pretzels. You can't Party Pretzels elsewhere than a party. All must have been right with the world.

Soon I am moving back to the capital of this fair state, the state being Minnesota and the capital being St. Paul. Anyone who thought Minneapolis was the capital of Minnesota, you have failed your drivers test and must return within 3 business days. I am have unbridled, unwarranted optimism about the future. I am fast approaching the end of my time in college, whose beginning inspired me to start this blog. I am moving to Rhode Island with my girlfriend after my last semester. I have been rapping a lot lately. Things are happening to me, and I'm feeling good.

But my friend is climbing a mountain. Just how epic does that sound? It has a real ring to it. Mountain. Mountain. Say it with me.

The road lends itself to poetry and thoughts. I know little of the road. I've barely driven a car. One time I slipped on some ice outside of the Arbys parking lot and hit my head on the road. I have ridden in an armchair on top of a mini-van. I don't know if that counts for anything. And I have actually climbed a mountain as well. It isn't terribly epic, actually. At least when you're eight and full of sugar. Maybe you can't appreciate the magnitude of mountaineering at that young of an age. I used to imagine riding a giant magnet across the country, propelled towards another giant magnet somewhere in North America. The road is mysterious and I was a bored child. As a bored adult, the most road I get in my life is local road, that within the range of my apartment, job, and the liquor store. I have, however, been swimming in poetry and thoughts nonetheless.

Did I say mountain? Yes. I did.


Blogger ssas said...

Oh my god, Jack's back.

Wow. All IS right with the world.

7:31 AM  

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