Thursday, October 21, 2004

Yeah, I Have A Walkman, So What, You Wanna Fight About It?

- "Is that a tape player?"

- "Yes."

-"Wow. That's primitive."


Is there something inherently wrong with listening to a tape player? I love's my Walkman, dammit! Why do people feel the need to ask me if it's a tape player simply to chastise me for its out-of-date-ness? Yes, I'm well aware that CD's and mp3 players and cell phones are what "now" people listen to music on, but primitive? Is that the word you want to use for something only two decades old? You don't see Fred Flinstone with a tape player, do ya? No, that's about as likely as Boy George driving a car with his feet! Well, that was a convoluted example, but what did you expect from me?

The word "Wow" got me too. Does seeing someone with something not currently the main mode of media deserve a "Wow"? At best, it deserves a non-verbal wow, like one of those eye-raise things that you do when you're gonna say something but don't. I could just as easily "Wow" your inability to write a coherent paragraph or discuss something relevant in class... Gah. Forget it.

I'm not talking to you, the reader, obviously. I'm speaking off-hand of something someone in my English class conversed with me on. Trust me, five years tape players will swing their way back into style. Remember turntables? Obviously you do: they're an instrument now. But back in the day, people were speaking of record players as on their way out, and now the young kids are buying more turntables then they are guitars. Just wait. My empty rage will be justified.

Mix CD's are so cold in comparison to mix tapes. Mix CD's involve plopping songs in an undefined order passionlessly onto a computer. Mix tapes got heart, man. Mix tapes got soul. Mix tapes got tape noise between every song. Mix tapes got a 20 second silence at the end of each side (unless you fucking rock at making them, which I do). A mix CD can be done with the heart of a mix tape, and have the same passion, but a tape is just so much more personal. Give a mix tape to a boy or girl you like. Give one to your little brother to get him into good music. Give one to your freinds for their cars. Spoil yourself and make one for you. That's what I've been up to lately: Making mix tapes galore for my Walkman to have in it. Check out the best mix tape site ever:

And don't get me wrong. I listen to CD's all the time. But CD's and tapes are not mutually exclusive. We can all be freinds. If you see someone on the street with a Walkman, give them a hug, don't engage them in the conversation I had today. Someone will write nasty things about you in their Blog. And hugs are awesome.

Check out my tapes of late.

Keep rockin', and spread the love people. Like peanut butter.


Blogger joey said...

Yo Jack, Will wants to know how many people can crash at your dorm and colin's dorm. We need a maximum number of people to determine how many can come to Chi town. Sorry that this has nothing to do with your post.

8:26 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

Each of us are only allowed 2 people for 3 days straight, but we could probably squeeze more in. I suppose maximum, if I can convince my roommate, we could take in six people.

11:07 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

most definantly, my freayindd

12:50 AM  
Blogger T Kwong said...

Just so SOMEONE posts on this vital topic, The Big J is laying down the reeeeal shit here. I suppose I can't say anything because I use MD's, but I still use my god damn tape deck.

Once again, this man is a genius.

8:29 AM  
Blogger ssas said...

I used to make mix tapes for my boyfriend back in college. They sounded pretty good, considering I used two boomboxes and a hallway as a studio. We still have them, too. Unfortunately, we have nothing to play them on...

11:12 AM  

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