Monday, January 17, 2005

Totally Random! Tee Hee!

Once again, I really don't have anything in particular to post about. I always feel weird posting in such a circumstance because I always feel like I come off as shit and that I should be giving my all in every writing. But whatever. I've been a tad emotionally drained these past two weeks, what with getting back into the swing of school work and not having sex. I got good drunk last night. I don't mean "good and drunk" because if I did I would have gone back and changed it without you even knowing that I had done so. No, I meant "good drunk", as in opposed to "bad drunk" which I had been the past few times. I drank plenty last night, but only enough to put me in that hazy middle section where I have comprehension. This was a good thing, because I previously had bouts with vomiting and sucking on random nipples. I get pervy, I'm told. I can't help it. I'm a horny man to begin with. Get some booze in me and I'll fuck anything that moves. Or anything that I even imagine to be moving. Thankfully no one will fuck me, so I don't have to suffer through the post-drunken-sex awkwardness of the next morning. Being unattractive has its advantages, I guess. But I was proud of myself last night. No awkwardness or making people uncomfortable; just good old drunken party-down Jack. Aw yeah. We watched Secretary, which does not help in the keep-it-in-my-pants category, but I managed to conceal my horniness enough to not let Mr. Dangly out to play. I like Ritz crackers while drunk. Doritoes are pretty good too.

I saw Cex in concert with Aloha and Weather on Friday, and it was a somewhat disappointing show, which was disappointing because Cex is typically not disappointing in concert. Needless to say, I was disappointed. Aloha was not very good, but everyone in the audience seemed to believe otherwise. They apparantly all came for them, too, because the crowd almost completely dispersed by the time Cex came onstage. (And he's from Chicago too! Fuckin' represent!) They ended their show abruptly early and didn't appear to be giving their all, even though they were still damn good and I enjoyed their performance. The whole thing seemed so incestual: The bassist from Weather is also Cex's bassist, who in turn is married to Rjyan aka Cex; Cex's drummer is also in Aloha, whose schtick is to have every member play several different instruments. Aloha was one of those bands whose concept sounds good on paper, but doesn't quite deliver in actuality. All of their songs seemed like they were building to something that never happened. And their bassist was just silly. He was trying exceptionally hard to be noticed. He was the only member who could only play one instrument, but he tried to make up for it by mouthing along to the words in an overly dramatic fashion. The bassist from Weather just got added to my "To Do" list: She was fucking HOT. Female bassists are hot by nature, but she also sang and wore tight thrift store t-shirts and had the whole chub thing going on, and..AH! I say god damn! I got Cex and her autograph on a Pokemon card (the only thing I could find to write on) and a poster and she drew a picture of a bunny aving and saying "Hello". I almost creamed my jeans right there. And she had the sexiest cutest voice ever, and she played a beat-up two-string bass she built herself and adapted to be played with a bow. God damn. Fucking goddess. She and Cex had this amazing chemistry, you know, being married and all. Rjyan is a lucky man. The Pokemon card was Wheezing, by the way, in case any of you were wondering. He's the evolved form of Koffing and has 60 HP.

That and more TV (and I think I ate probably at some point) was my weekend. That without any of the fun stuff was my week. And on I continue. I'll try my damnedest to come up with more to write, but I really haven't been inspired to do much of anything other than masturbate lately. It took me a while to have it sink in that masturbate is spelled with a U. I guess I always just assumed the "master" in there was intentional, as though you were "master" of your penis and were whipping it until it produced some results. But I guess, looking at it, it looks right with a U, so I'll let it go.

Or maybe I'll just grab it harder. Ooh yeah. That's it.


Blogger T Kwong said...

I think I hate reading about people having good drinking stories than actually being at parties where people are good drunk. Stupid cheap-ass enzyme.

Jack, I think you go to more shows than I do, and I don't pay for mine.

Female bassists are the shit. Something about chicks with big long wooden things in their hands rocking out it just plain awesome, can't figure it out.


6:53 AM  
Blogger ssas said...

I looked up masturbate on (haha, I crack myself up) to get the word roots/history for you, but it didn't have anything.

No, I didn't hit the link "get the top ten sites for masturbate." As the horny college guy, that's your job.

9:28 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Hmm, i love Aloha. You should give them another chance. And maybe i should give Cex another chance. Something about a geek doing IDM appeals to me with the name of Cex appeals to me.

3:40 AM  

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