Friday, September 19, 2008

They Are Finally Paying Me For This God-Awful Tripe

I am getting paid to write blogs now. I write for The Wake and College On The Record, and they both give me actual money for writing some bullshit stuff about some bullshit things. This thing that I just kind of do is now just kind of making me some scratch, it is! Also, I just not ten minutes ago saved a bunch of time by turning in a previous blog post of mine instead of a paper for a class. Once, I said "Pfooie" to the blogs. That was before the blogs gave me things, like money, fancy titles like "Campus Editor", and an excuse to not do real work. Life is funny that way, you know? Ha ha, life! Good one!

The issue of course is that I'm on the damn computer all the time now. I have like fifteen (ed note: exaggeration) accounts and e-mail addresses to check and update now, and that keeps me on the computer often longer than I'd like to be. But fuck it, I'd rather do this job than cut open bagels any day. Even Tuesday.

So, I'm going to try to continue to be diligent in this blog and give you people who have all stopped reading some vaguely interesting things. Otherwise, you can read the other two blogs because they will definitely have things in them.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old computer died. Somehow remembered the URL to your blog (this blog). Your blog now sits in firefox's bookmarks toolbar alongside such friends of the library as and Thanks for being my friend.

10:07 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

Thank you, sir; I appreciate your readership. Sorry to hear about the computer, computers are annoying and useless and I hate them and they will all die soon in the Great Technapocolypse of 2010. Well, I guess I like e-mail and porno and being paid to write 50 words. Okay. Sorry computers.

12:38 PM  

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