Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smurfy Brown

Sorry I haven't been writing in this thing. This little box begs for letters to be in it, I often don't comply with its wishes. But I have had many other boxes to fill with letters, so you, the non-existent backtalker in my head who I assume sits out there and yells every day that I don't update, you need to cut me some slack because I've been too busy to write for something that doesn't either provide me with earnings or work me further towards a piece of paper with the word "EDU-CATED" in crass sparkly gold letters. Besides, do I even have any readers anymore? I seem to scare them all away whenever I don't write anything. I guess my mom and grandpa read me for a while, which is great. Hi guys! We sure ate some turkey on Thanksgiving, huh? But they're not really my target audience here. I never really had a target audience, which actually was great because I could write about poop and some new clever euphemism for breasts I had come up with. Now I feel I have to watch my language, as I'll run into my mom later and she'll say something about that dirty word I wrote and I'll feel embarrassed. "I am disappointed in you, son. We didn't send you through college so you could use your English degree to bring more filth into this hellbound America!" Shame will fill me then and I will have no options but to break down and cry for the awful sins of language I've committed.

But I really like to commit those sins. I used to feel like I could write any old stupid shit in this little blog because no one read it and no one cared. The whole advantage to this is the fact that I could write without having a grade or a boss to tell me it was not kosher. Bah.

I started this blog about four and a half years ago, basically right when I started college. Tonight I have my final final of my final year, meaning by 6 PM tonight I will no longer be in college. Holy Christ Crap, I will be out of college. That's sort of a weird thing to try to wrap my mind around. This blog which was birthed from school-related boredom began to shape in the continuing years of homework avoidance. What'll it be without that influence? Will I begin tailoring it to whoever's reading, like I sort of already have (you'll notice few mentions of chronic masturbation so far... Has Jack gone soft, or at least part of him?)? Will I stop doing it altogether? There've been numerous points in this blog's history where I simply abandoned it for far longer than I ought to have. As soon as I started to get people reading, I said "flargbargulous" and forgot to do anything about it until the point where I started to feel guilty. All the readers disappeared, as they seem to have now.

Who gives a shit where this blog will go? I never had an end goal with it; this was not some writing sample I could show to employers. It'll probably just float around for a while and be here for whenever I feel like posting something. Audience is irrelevant anyway. This isn't a blog for the people, its for me. If people want to read it, they can, but mostly, I have it for the joy of writing it. And in that sense I don't need to update all the time. I can write whenever I feel like writing, dammit. That's the beauty of it. I'm half-heartedly trying to convince my friend to get a blog, as he's been wanting to do more writing. He's coming at it with the same stance I did initially, which is that blogs are stupid because blogs are stupid. Rational reasoning need not apply here, its a blog and it is something new and trendy and houses lots of writings from people who pretend they're cats who can type and therefore should be scorned outright. My perception has changed quite a bit. A blog is just a place for you to write, something to get you to actually sit down and put some words down. I can honestly say that having this blog has improved my writing, in that it actually got me interested in doing it. Until I got this blog, I only really wrote for school. I never really realized that I enjoyed the act of writing until this blog got me to do it a lot more. When I came at writing from a more personal level and without any real purpose, it began to dawn on me that the act itself is something that I actually liked. Spending so much time writing in this fashion got me interested in writing period, and since then I've expanded that into journalism and rapping. I believe my friend could benefit from one of these in the same way I have, except for the fact that he's a little stubborn bitch-turd who thinks coming off as some sort of cranky anti-modernist Luddite somehow gives him distinction from everyone else. (yeah, i said it, come get me) I'm attempting to move away from that rather adolescent ahem ahem mindset towards one that sees things as they are despite their connections. Having a blog has been helpful to me, I think it could be helpful to him.

This is not to say I'm all on Blogger's dick and shit now, no sir. There is still plenty of unnecessary and idiotic things associated with this little slice of internet bullshit. But in the end, its gotten me to write and that has been nothing but a benefit for me.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck you, I'm still unconvinced. And I will come and get you, I know where you live. And I'll tell your mom about all the naughty words you wrote.


Think about it.

7:54 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

oooh shiiiiit

8:38 PM  

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