Friday, October 22, 2004


Is this a new trend all of a sudden? I honestly thought this was written in a different language until I read all the way through... This is a meticulous, specific effort to have shitty writing! I mean, it's one thing to make typos and to accidentally bad grammer have, but it's another to go out of your way to make sure your spelling and grammer are incorrect and unintelligable!

I guess it serves me right for reading other people's blogs... I should stop doing that. They're ususally meant for the friends (spelled it right!) of the people who do them, and they all speak this gobbledy-gook language.

On top of that, come on. Crying in the rain? What is that about?

Eh, I've had enough of being annoyed by other people. Maybe I'll use positivity from now on.

"Good effort! Nothing says 'originality' like capital letters in the middle of the word!"



Blogger ssas said...

cLeAr vIoLaTiOn oF rUlE nUmBeR tHrEe

4:14 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

I almost feel like I have a duty to seek these blogs out now... Like I'm a undercover policeman or something...

4:48 PM  
Blogger T Kwong said...

The Big J: The Good Typing Avenger.

"Striking fiercly from the far corners of internet to dispatch the evil of poor typing courteousy.

Squiting at a jumble of miss-typed words meant to be, 'edgy,' are you? Well have no fear, for The Big J shall rain down terrible vengence in the name of good typing everywhere!"

It is a needed role and for assuming it, I commend you.

Seriously, I'm not kidding.


10:11 PM  

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