Gee, Asian Girls Certainly Love Their Boyfreinds, Don't They?
I'm on no sleep right now. I'm debating going another 24 hours, just to see if I can do it.
We've all had those days where we stay up so late, and you have to get up so early, that it's no longer worth actually going to sleep, right? I was up until 5:30 last night (or this morning) and had to go to class at 8:30. If I went to sleep, I'd probably get one good hour, and wake up cranky and irritated, as opposed to not waking up at all. Instead, I walked around the city. That time is funny to walk around during. I often walk around at 2 or 3 at night, but once you breach on 5 or 6, none of the late night people are out anymore. The late night is over, the early morning has begun. I got to be a late nighter in a world of early-morning jogger, biker and business types. It was an interesting experience, knowing all these people had just began a new day whereas mine was hardly over yet.
When you stay up for a day or two straight, the days begin to meld into one another. Not having awakening as a key to when the next day is, all you have to go by is your preconcieved notions of dawn. When it gets light out, there. That's the new day.
My friend and I invented a less confusing system than the "midnight as beginning of the new day" one currently in place by our damn Earth's rotation around the sun. See, the beginning to each new day is relative to each individual. When you wake up is when the new day has begun, not at midnight. Because who goes to sleep before midnight anymore? The Amish. Are you Amish? If you are, you're going to hell for reading this, you perverted little brat. It gets so fucking annoying when you talk to someone after midnight about doing something tomorrow, and they get all smart-ass on you and say "You mean today ha ha ha ha ha". Nope. Not anymore. Tomorrow begins when you awake. And in the aforementioned case of staying up all night, the new day will officially begin at 6:00 AM, as this is around when the sun rises. Only the smart-aleck little cunts who feel the need to meticulously argue about stupid inane details will find this new system difficult. But we don't like talking to those people anyway, now do we?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to not sleeping. Good night.
We've all had those days where we stay up so late, and you have to get up so early, that it's no longer worth actually going to sleep, right? I was up until 5:30 last night (or this morning) and had to go to class at 8:30. If I went to sleep, I'd probably get one good hour, and wake up cranky and irritated, as opposed to not waking up at all. Instead, I walked around the city. That time is funny to walk around during. I often walk around at 2 or 3 at night, but once you breach on 5 or 6, none of the late night people are out anymore. The late night is over, the early morning has begun. I got to be a late nighter in a world of early-morning jogger, biker and business types. It was an interesting experience, knowing all these people had just began a new day whereas mine was hardly over yet.
When you stay up for a day or two straight, the days begin to meld into one another. Not having awakening as a key to when the next day is, all you have to go by is your preconcieved notions of dawn. When it gets light out, there. That's the new day.
My friend and I invented a less confusing system than the "midnight as beginning of the new day" one currently in place by our damn Earth's rotation around the sun. See, the beginning to each new day is relative to each individual. When you wake up is when the new day has begun, not at midnight. Because who goes to sleep before midnight anymore? The Amish. Are you Amish? If you are, you're going to hell for reading this, you perverted little brat. It gets so fucking annoying when you talk to someone after midnight about doing something tomorrow, and they get all smart-ass on you and say "You mean today ha ha ha ha ha". Nope. Not anymore. Tomorrow begins when you awake. And in the aforementioned case of staying up all night, the new day will officially begin at 6:00 AM, as this is around when the sun rises. Only the smart-aleck little cunts who feel the need to meticulously argue about stupid inane details will find this new system difficult. But we don't like talking to those people anyway, now do we?
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to not sleeping. Good night.
Thats why I'm always in search of an asian woman
So she can create a blog devoted to you and adorn it with pictures of you in various apathetic poses, unicorns, and charecters from Wolf's Rain, along with poetic posts of "You'll Never Know... You'll Never Know..." and lyrics to Hoobastank?
Sounds awesome.
You sound pretty coherant still. I vote for staying up again. Don't forget to post right before you finally go to sleep. Can't wait to see what sort of fuck-up stuff you come up with.
Whose blog is this? You gotta hook me up. That all sounds good besides the Hoobastank shit. I don't mind when women are obsessed with me.
I don't know whether to be offended or just laugh. I mean, Jack's pretty sarcastic and random with his titling, but this is ridiculous.
Good ups on the Hoobastank slam.
aZn grLs lyKe tO tyPe iN ThIEr Fuckn BloGs LiEK ThS. ~~
Sleep is overrated. Keep depriving yourself of sleep and you'll reap the benefits of hallucinating without taking any drugs. Its cool.
Well, I was on caffiene at the time. That's a drug.
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