Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Internet Delays Are Due To A Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Fuck Bush. Fuck Ohio. Fuck 51% of this damn country. Fuck people who voted while uninformed or on a single-issue. Fuck everything. Fuck it all. Who wants to move to Canada with me?

I can't actually believe Bush won again. What is wrong with this country? Are we that fucking stupid? Yes. Yes we are. Fuck America. Fuck the flag. Fuck freedom. Fuck liberty. Fuck the army. Fuck the south. Fuck John Wayne. Fuck everything. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck 'em all. We're fucked.

I promise more focused and particular anger in the future. I just need some venting time.



Blogger T Kwong said...

First Avenue closing should have been a sign we were fucked.

"Fuck Bush," now yields 923,000 Google hits. Albeit some are probably porn related, but it gives us a pause doesn't it?

I couldn't watch the results come in. I just went and saw Mastadon and Slayer and tried to forget how royally fucked we might be when I got out.


5:34 PM  
Blogger joey said...

This was definatley the worst election I have ever experienced. Republicians control the Senate still, and also everything else. Senate Minority Leader? Toast! Obama is the only one who gives us hope.

6:38 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

I think you were pretty well particular and focused with your anger in this post, Jack.

7:42 PM  
Blogger Chance said...

I think that leaving the country would be a mistake. We got hurt yesterday. We got hurt badly, but this is no reason, nor justification for us to run home with our tails between our legs. We must not loose sight of the fact that in 2006 we have the opportunity to take back congress. Are we willing to just let the Republicans have control of the country without a fight? Are we truly that cowardly? If we turn our backs on the democratic process we do just that. I don't know about you, but this is one fight that I will not run away from. On the contrary, I am going to face it head-on and with all necessary ferocity.

1:25 AM  
Blogger Chance said...

By the way, it's looking like former manager Steve McClellan and his business partner are going to buy back First Ave. If that happens, we can be pretty sure that First Ave and the 7th St. Entry will be around for a long time. Hope is much more fulfilling than dispair.

1:28 AM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

God bless your D&D virtuoso, Chance! Leaving the country talk is typically just my "how extreme can I express my anger through potential actions?" speech that often comes after shit like this. I'm of course sticking around so we can take back the senate (and I don't have any money to move anywhere). The problem I'm having mainly with this country is the people in it. Bush had more of the popular vote after all the shit he's done. Is that insane to anyone else but me? I feel our country slipping more and more into hatred and ignorance and dogmatic fundamentalist principles, and if that ever officially happens, I will not want to live here not as a sense of giving up, but that I'll not be able to stand anyone around me.

1:43 AM  
Blogger T Kwong said...

Oh I know all about Steve trying to buy it back and it'll probably go through, but it's always sad, especialy with all the shows being shuffled.


6:39 AM  

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