Saturday, February 05, 2005


I guess it's a sign that people actually read this when they appear to care that I haven't posted in a few days. I've been too busy living, bitches! It's been beautiful outside, like friggin' summer. I've been running around outside like I was six or an elf or on speed or something... I'm just high on life, man! I've been running around listening to old school hip-hop and smoking honey cigarellos... Oh man, I should almost just list the awesome things I've done. They're very simple, and most suckers won't appreciate their simplicity, but I find extreme joy in the simple.

- Corn Pops!
- Apples! Good apples too! They taste like fruit and not like a wet plastic bag like the fruit they sell at my cafeteria!
- Afrika Bambataa!
- Fatboy Slim!
- Beastie Boys!
- Chemical Brothers!
- Hot ladies!
- I bought 10 movies and 9 television episodes on DVD for 8 bucks! Dragnet, Bonanza, The Brain That Wouldn't Die, Swamp Women, King of the Zombies, Little Shop of Horrors (with Jackie Nicholson, of course), Vincent Price's House on Haunted Hill and The Last Man Alive, Tormented, and so much more!
- Amelie!
- The original Batman! Fuck yeah!
- I went for a long walk and stumbled upon Odd Obsessions, a rare and underground movie store, at which I rented Cremaster 1 and 2 and Mr. T's Be Somebody or Be Somebody's Fool! And Gary Coleman's Safety Tips! Oh, and for free!
- Swings!
- I wore a t-shirt! A mother fucking t-shirt!
- Tequila body shots!
- We finally met this guy we'd been stalking for a while and now we're friends!
- Dancing on a bench!
- Somersaults? I wish!
- Marshmallow fluff!
- Free meal!
- Big smile!
- Reminiscing about Eek! the Cat, Life With Louie, Bobby's World, Pinky and the Brain, Animaniacs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles, Inspector Gadget, 2 Stupid Dogs, and pretty much every show I used to watch as a kid!
- Exclamation points!
- Breakin'!
- Playing guitar! REALLY fucking loud!
- Strange cab drivers!
- Chocolate covered cherries!
- Boston Baked Beans!
- Big cheeseburger and chocolate shake!
- Seeing a car get hit by a bus!
- Bunny! BUNNY!!!
- Not doing homework!
- Dressing up all classy style!
- Good root beer!
- Masturbation!
- Tea!
- Smoking tea! (I dunno; it seemed like an alright idea...)
- Running around like I was an elf!
- Going to a shitty party and watching two girls make out!
- Laughter!
- Joy!
- Glee!
- Etc!

Blogging has been the last thing on my mind. I've been outside 80% of the past four days. Last thing I need is typing words onto a screen. Sorry loyal fans, but I'm too happy to write angry things right now. I know this happiness is just Phase 1 before life pushes me down again to laugh at me like I was a cripple with a tumor and ugly clothes, but 'til then, YAAAAH!!!


Blogger Greg said...

Yeah i'm happy too but you don't see me motherfucking talking about it.

Okay Jack fine. I'm happy for you and your happiness. I hope you two have a happy life together.

5:50 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

i sped-read your list with hope high in my heart...
but all was dashed to the rocks when I got to:

- Masturbation!

at least you got to do it outside in nice weather, right?

but happy is sexy, Jack, so good for you. i plan on being a complete bitch all week, so you can be the happy one, 'kay?

8:44 PM  
Blogger T Kwong said...

The awesome snow we got was obliterated by this heat wave. It's the crazy Twilight Zone MN winter.

I have also reveled [sp] in the awesomeness of this fucking mini-summer. You had me until this one:

"- Smoking tea! (I dunno; it seemed like an alright idea...)"

For shame... For shame... Those poor tea leaves... They already know they aren't pot, you don't have to rub it in their little faces, raising their hopes only to crush them, you bastard jackass.


9:21 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

I wasn't raising their hopes just to crush them. I enjoyed that tea, dammit. I was trying to bring it into a world that society mandated it not be a part of. I was taking a stand for tea leaves.

What's a good weekend without sweet release, huh?

12:46 PM  
Blogger MC Harv said...

Always ready with a link, aren't we?

2:24 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

you know i'm a bit of a purist when it comes to tea. i sure hope you used LOOSE tea instead of that bagged crap. i guess as long as the tea leaves had their agony, then it doesn't matter whether it was by burning or by boiling.

the apples used to be great up there, as i recall.

3:15 PM  

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