A Very Evil Looking Spider Was About To Visit Your Pocket
I've been watching too many movies lately. I am packed to the gills with lines and references that I fully intend to use whenever necessary or unnecessary. I've also been eating a lot of Honeycomb, as the store had a big sale on it for some reason. I got three of those big-ass boxes and a gallon of milk for 8 dollars. Damn, son. I heard rumor that Wheaties is getting pulled from the shelves. This would greatly disappoint me, as I love Wheaties. Breakfast of Champions and all that shit. They will be truly missed.
I'm tired of Greek philosophy. That's pretty much the only area of philosophy school has touched on over three years, and it's starting to piss me off. It's not that we're learning the same thing over and over again, but it certainly feels like it.
"So there's this thing, right? And it is outside of our senses, in a different realm, and it oversees and controls everything."
"So you mean God?"
"No! Not God! It's like this... orb thing... You can't know what it is."
"How do we know it's there?"
"Because it's... Ok, so there's this thing. It takes up no space and lives in no time, yet it lives at this specific location and is happening right now. And there's stuff around it, and all that stuff is perfect, but in it's perfection, it's imperfect. But it cannot be comprehended by anyone."
"Then why are we talking about it?"
It sounds like such stoner philosphy. "There's a thing waaaaaaaay out there, man, and, like, nobody knows what it is... But it's there. And then like all the stuff you see around you, like, isn't there... So like, the real world is like, not real, and like there's this world of like perfection, man, and it lies in the periphery of the cosmos.... Pass the Corn Chips."
My teacher pointed out what it means to be a Platonist today. I've never quite been able to figure out why I disagree with Plato, until he pointed this out: Plato is concerned with the inadequacy of the sensible realm. His thought of the coincidence of opposites tells us that the sensible is flawed by the fact that it can be compared to something else. That girl is less beautiful than that girl over there, but she is more beautiful than, say, a rock. Therefore she is both more beautiful and less beautiful. However, in the intelligent realm, which he claims we must all strive towards, there is no coincidence of opposites as everything is simply beautiful, not less than nor more than. My immediate thought is "This is bullshit, you stuffy old dead coot". That girl is beautiful, bar none. End of discussion. I couldn't give a shit about some theorized other realm because I'm currently getting an eyeful of some hot chick in this realm. There may be perfect beauty in that realm, but you can't even be sure it exists. I know full well that this girl is hot, and unless a hotter girl is presented to me in this realm, I'm not going to discount this current girls bootylicious curves for some imagined hottie who lives in the cosmos somewhere. I think Plato just has too high standards. He can't expect everything to be perfect. Fuck perfection. So the sensible may not be perfect; it doesn't make it any less than it is. This is my key problem with Greek philosophy: They view the sensible world as a distraction. Me, I love the sensible. Sex rocks. Food is awesome. Flowers smell good. Music is beautiful. Naked ladies are pretty. The sensible world kicks ass. I know the devils advocates out there will tell me that I am being distracted by the sensible like Plato suggests and that if I could just get my hand outta my pants I'd be able to see nous, or the intelligble world, and thus complete my life. To them I say "Fuck that". I'm having a hell of a time here in the sensible world. All other worlds, be they the intelligible of Platonic beliefs or heaven and hell of the Judeo-Christian peeps, are not proven as existant. I know I'm here now, so I'm gonna have fun, dammit. And besides, any belief that prevents any mode of current enjoyment for potential future enjoyment is bull-huggly, as either way your enjoying yourself at some point.
Basically, I think it comes down to the fact that I'm both bogged down with Greek philiosphy and I'm really, really horny. It's a great combination when you want to get really indignant.
Oh, and one quick note: I really want to do this.
I'm tired of Greek philosophy. That's pretty much the only area of philosophy school has touched on over three years, and it's starting to piss me off. It's not that we're learning the same thing over and over again, but it certainly feels like it.
"So there's this thing, right? And it is outside of our senses, in a different realm, and it oversees and controls everything."
"So you mean God?"
"No! Not God! It's like this... orb thing... You can't know what it is."
"How do we know it's there?"
"Because it's... Ok, so there's this thing. It takes up no space and lives in no time, yet it lives at this specific location and is happening right now. And there's stuff around it, and all that stuff is perfect, but in it's perfection, it's imperfect. But it cannot be comprehended by anyone."
"Then why are we talking about it?"
It sounds like such stoner philosphy. "There's a thing waaaaaaaay out there, man, and, like, nobody knows what it is... But it's there. And then like all the stuff you see around you, like, isn't there... So like, the real world is like, not real, and like there's this world of like perfection, man, and it lies in the periphery of the cosmos.... Pass the Corn Chips."
My teacher pointed out what it means to be a Platonist today. I've never quite been able to figure out why I disagree with Plato, until he pointed this out: Plato is concerned with the inadequacy of the sensible realm. His thought of the coincidence of opposites tells us that the sensible is flawed by the fact that it can be compared to something else. That girl is less beautiful than that girl over there, but she is more beautiful than, say, a rock. Therefore she is both more beautiful and less beautiful. However, in the intelligent realm, which he claims we must all strive towards, there is no coincidence of opposites as everything is simply beautiful, not less than nor more than. My immediate thought is "This is bullshit, you stuffy old dead coot". That girl is beautiful, bar none. End of discussion. I couldn't give a shit about some theorized other realm because I'm currently getting an eyeful of some hot chick in this realm. There may be perfect beauty in that realm, but you can't even be sure it exists. I know full well that this girl is hot, and unless a hotter girl is presented to me in this realm, I'm not going to discount this current girls bootylicious curves for some imagined hottie who lives in the cosmos somewhere. I think Plato just has too high standards. He can't expect everything to be perfect. Fuck perfection. So the sensible may not be perfect; it doesn't make it any less than it is. This is my key problem with Greek philosophy: They view the sensible world as a distraction. Me, I love the sensible. Sex rocks. Food is awesome. Flowers smell good. Music is beautiful. Naked ladies are pretty. The sensible world kicks ass. I know the devils advocates out there will tell me that I am being distracted by the sensible like Plato suggests and that if I could just get my hand outta my pants I'd be able to see nous, or the intelligble world, and thus complete my life. To them I say "Fuck that". I'm having a hell of a time here in the sensible world. All other worlds, be they the intelligible of Platonic beliefs or heaven and hell of the Judeo-Christian peeps, are not proven as existant. I know I'm here now, so I'm gonna have fun, dammit. And besides, any belief that prevents any mode of current enjoyment for potential future enjoyment is bull-huggly, as either way your enjoying yourself at some point.
Basically, I think it comes down to the fact that I'm both bogged down with Greek philiosphy and I'm really, really horny. It's a great combination when you want to get really indignant.
Oh, and one quick note: I really want to do this.
ummm, honeycomb. honeycomb rocks. i only eat it after marathon sex sessions... too bad you're all the way over there in Chicago, all alone with all that honeycomb...
Honeycomb is inferior to honey-nut cereals of the non-comb variety.
Plato's pursuit of perfect form makes a lot of sense when you ground it in the culture of ancient Greece though. Sure, it's still bullshit, but the entire culture was based around perfect form, Plato merely provided a reason why.
I've always thought Plato and Lu Wang should have a debate of death. Plato's pursuit of perfect form versus Lu Wang's belief in the divinity of individual/spontaneous expression would be awesome.
Project Blinkenlights is too cool for words.
It's all about the Capn Crunch and Chocolate milk. WUTCHU KNOW BOUT THE CAPN CRUNCH AND CHOCLATE MILK?
Certain philosophers piss me off. Like the ones that think, perhaps, we're somebody else's dream. No dipshit. We're not.
As far as perfection goes. We all know perfect is the Bible.
Honeycomb is not necessarily better than, say Honey Nut Cheerios, as it is a different yet equally delicious variety. Don't try and claim a honey beuracracy here. (Why do I choose words I so obviously cannot spell?)
Wheaties kicks ass. You must've been one of those spoiled children who got to have whatever sugary cereal you wanted. I however got few sugary cereals and had to adapt to the good-for-you ones. I came to realize that good-for-you cereals of certain varieties can match, if not best, certain sugary cereals. I grew to love and respect Wheaties as the delicious, nutritious morning delight that they are. Never fucking question my cereal tastes again.
I'm sure if Plato got laid once in a while his whole philosophy would change. I understand what you mean about it being appropiate for the time, and I agree; I'm just pissed off I have to learn it again and again, knowing full well this school of thought died out years ago when we got smarter.
The idea that existance is merely a dream and we're simply experiencing people subjectively isn't too unreasonable. I mean, as it is impossible to really insert ourselves into what we proceive as anoter person's concious experience, we can't prove or disprove the concept.
Wheaties are good with raisins, and you might as well eat Raisin Bran instead at that point.
gentlemen, gentlemen, let's all relax now. we all know perfection is me and my blog.
TK- you need to get laid and eat some honeycomb - it'll change your life.
You just had to stereotype pot-smoking philosophy didn't you? Give the stoner-philosophy more credit: it's how I first percieved myself as other people saw me, in a very passionate respect. It's easy to think while high because the perception is skewed; so it gets one to think more and become less of a jock-ass testosterone-induced fuckhead and more sensative, that is, sensative in the way where every little thing makes a difference, only in a positive manner.
jack stop being a goddamn slacker.
Shut up. I've had a busy weekend.
Don't worry though, I'm sure to post something excellent for you either tomorrow or very late night tonight: I have a fuck-load of homework to do, and I am downright angry about it. And I know how to please you fuckers.
So shut up.
why the hostility, Jack? you're missing that after-homework quickie, aren't you?
greg posted enough for both of us this weekend - he obviously had nothing goin' and he's jealous of all your homework.
Sorry, being in the midst of shitty homework-doing puts me in a bad mood.
It certainly was not homework that kept me so busy this weekend...
Hello!! Anybody home?? Post now!
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