You Should Change Your Name To Mashed Potatoes
So, here goes my first attempt at a requested post. If you have a request, post a comment here. This one's about headphones.
I love headphones. I really, truly do. I came to fully realize this while living in a city that tends to have people come up to you and ask you for shit. Human contact is not usually on my to do list, so I love to able to drown myself in the world of music and pretend I can't hear or notice anyone. If some Children International fuck tries to get me to care about the events in our world, I simply motion towards my muffed ears and make some gesture implying "Sorry, these give me immunity from having to give a shit!" and keep walking on my merry way. Though in the case of last weekend, I would very much have enjoyed a jambox to carry on my shoulder not only to compliment the day and my music choice, but also so I didn't completely look like a fool dancing to music that no one else could hear. It depends on my mood. Mostly I'm in an angry, self-and-others-loathing mood that causes me to don the Senny cans, but sometimes I'm about togetherness and community through music. But only through my music. Your music sucks. Mine is awesome and yours is bad. Your music is bad and you should feel bad.
But, as with everything else that I love this much, I also hate it with a fiery passion. Because of course if I love something, it must find a way to piss me off. I keep my cool like Biz Markie, but little things like CD player skipping or shit like that set me off like a wound up car toy you used to get in Happy Meals. My headphones always manage to get entangled in something or in knots or unable to be found, and my eyes twitch and I begin to curse nonsensibly like the Looney Tunes. As far as life span goes, these bitches are lasting me a while. I made sure to get the good ones, as I've found I can no longer tolerate anything less. Earbug style, especially those damned iPod shits, piss me off. I've never been one to stick things into an orifice in order to listen to music. They're called headphones for a reason. They go on your head, not in your ear. I don't give a shit how portable they are or how able you are to put them in your gleaming little pocket. Earbug headphones are like earwax magnets. Only q-tips and tounges should go in your ear, end of story.
My past headphones were all $1 pieces of shit I bought at a gas station because my last $1 piece of shit had broken earlier that day. Several of them I found on the ground. One of my favorites was the retractable ones, you know, the one that folds in on itself? Yeah. Those were cool because they fit in my pocket but didn't go into my ear like some mind-control device from Farhenheit 451. But they had that shitty blue styrophoam shitty shit shit on them and didn't last me very long. They got ripped apart and then broke and then snapped and then the wire broke and then I lost them. I would've kept wearing them after all that if I hadn't lost them, because my only other alternative were those pissy ear-huggers that go around the back of your ears. Ick. Those shits hurt my frail little ears. I can't wear them for any extended period of time without feeling like the back of my ear has contracted an STD. Taking them off is like removing a band-aid from your penis. Those appear to have a long life, but I'd much rather have a piece of shit that's going to fail on me in two days then headphones that give my ears the crotch-rot feeling.
Now that I've got my Sennheiser cans, I'm set for a while. Though it is bothersome to try to shove that much cord length into my pocket, especially when I have other things of importance in there that potentially need retrieval. I especially hate in when I put my CD player in my coat pocket, which has a hole in it (wouldn't you know it), and the CD player falls in it and the cord gets all tangled the fuck up. Actually, whats been happening of late is, since there are actually too very distinct holes in my pocket, I have to retrieve it from the lining when it falls, but I get it from the wrong hole and the whole thing gets in one big jumble. And there's usually about fifty dozen knots in the cord already. I swear, there's Gremlins or some sort of small mythical creature that has starred in a mainstream movie (because how else would I know about them?) living under my bed who comes out at night and tangles my cord, because I see no possible way it could get knots in it if I untied all of them the night before and hadn't touched it since. This happens almost every morning.
My math teacher once went on a rant about how he hates headphones because they've turned America into a self-centered, uncaring bunch who don't listen to others or communicate in our day-to-day endeavors. Or at least I think that's what he said. I wasn't really paying attention. My thoughts on that are that nobody really wants to communicate with anyone anyway. If we're going to be steadily ignoring everyone, we might as well have something to rock out to while we do so.
I love headphones. I really, truly do. I came to fully realize this while living in a city that tends to have people come up to you and ask you for shit. Human contact is not usually on my to do list, so I love to able to drown myself in the world of music and pretend I can't hear or notice anyone. If some Children International fuck tries to get me to care about the events in our world, I simply motion towards my muffed ears and make some gesture implying "Sorry, these give me immunity from having to give a shit!" and keep walking on my merry way. Though in the case of last weekend, I would very much have enjoyed a jambox to carry on my shoulder not only to compliment the day and my music choice, but also so I didn't completely look like a fool dancing to music that no one else could hear. It depends on my mood. Mostly I'm in an angry, self-and-others-loathing mood that causes me to don the Senny cans, but sometimes I'm about togetherness and community through music. But only through my music. Your music sucks. Mine is awesome and yours is bad. Your music is bad and you should feel bad.
But, as with everything else that I love this much, I also hate it with a fiery passion. Because of course if I love something, it must find a way to piss me off. I keep my cool like Biz Markie, but little things like CD player skipping or shit like that set me off like a wound up car toy you used to get in Happy Meals. My headphones always manage to get entangled in something or in knots or unable to be found, and my eyes twitch and I begin to curse nonsensibly like the Looney Tunes. As far as life span goes, these bitches are lasting me a while. I made sure to get the good ones, as I've found I can no longer tolerate anything less. Earbug style, especially those damned iPod shits, piss me off. I've never been one to stick things into an orifice in order to listen to music. They're called headphones for a reason. They go on your head, not in your ear. I don't give a shit how portable they are or how able you are to put them in your gleaming little pocket. Earbug headphones are like earwax magnets. Only q-tips and tounges should go in your ear, end of story.
My past headphones were all $1 pieces of shit I bought at a gas station because my last $1 piece of shit had broken earlier that day. Several of them I found on the ground. One of my favorites was the retractable ones, you know, the one that folds in on itself? Yeah. Those were cool because they fit in my pocket but didn't go into my ear like some mind-control device from Farhenheit 451. But they had that shitty blue styrophoam shitty shit shit on them and didn't last me very long. They got ripped apart and then broke and then snapped and then the wire broke and then I lost them. I would've kept wearing them after all that if I hadn't lost them, because my only other alternative were those pissy ear-huggers that go around the back of your ears. Ick. Those shits hurt my frail little ears. I can't wear them for any extended period of time without feeling like the back of my ear has contracted an STD. Taking them off is like removing a band-aid from your penis. Those appear to have a long life, but I'd much rather have a piece of shit that's going to fail on me in two days then headphones that give my ears the crotch-rot feeling.
Now that I've got my Sennheiser cans, I'm set for a while. Though it is bothersome to try to shove that much cord length into my pocket, especially when I have other things of importance in there that potentially need retrieval. I especially hate in when I put my CD player in my coat pocket, which has a hole in it (wouldn't you know it), and the CD player falls in it and the cord gets all tangled the fuck up. Actually, whats been happening of late is, since there are actually too very distinct holes in my pocket, I have to retrieve it from the lining when it falls, but I get it from the wrong hole and the whole thing gets in one big jumble. And there's usually about fifty dozen knots in the cord already. I swear, there's Gremlins or some sort of small mythical creature that has starred in a mainstream movie (because how else would I know about them?) living under my bed who comes out at night and tangles my cord, because I see no possible way it could get knots in it if I untied all of them the night before and hadn't touched it since. This happens almost every morning.
My math teacher once went on a rant about how he hates headphones because they've turned America into a self-centered, uncaring bunch who don't listen to others or communicate in our day-to-day endeavors. Or at least I think that's what he said. I wasn't really paying attention. My thoughts on that are that nobody really wants to communicate with anyone anyway. If we're going to be steadily ignoring everyone, we might as well have something to rock out to while we do so.
no, Jack, MY music rocks and YOURS sucks.
your cd player falls through a hole in your coat pocket? jebus, think it's time for a new coat. that's a pretty big fuckin' hole.
your math teacher is off too - we were all self-centered and uncaring way before headphones. I was around when headphones were first mainstreamed... big fuckers they were too.
the only people who hate ipods are the ones who don't have 'em :P but the headphones suck
now do the one about cream soda. does it have sex in it? or alcohol?
I know iPods are one of those things that everyone who hates them doesn't have one... So until that day, GRRR!!!
My music is better than yours. End of story.
Jack, that was a lot of, "shit." I support obscenity and man was that awesome. Cans all the way. I like Bose a whole lot, but is it just me or do Eastern Europeans make the best headphones?
Sex, iPods are for people who fit into the following categories:
1) You like music, but not enough to listen to music because iPods pump out tinny, tinny shit.
2) You don't care about albums.
3) You want to be cool.
Really you could apply that to any MP3 player.
And my music is the best just 'cause I have to get into all pissing fights.
There were only 13 shits in there... A true sailor would've doubled that at least.
Would the teacher you're referring to happen to be over six feet tall, blond, with a scar running down his face?
You know, the one who taught the class we had together for a whopping semester?
Tombalina - see my blog for an answer to your comment. Nothing personal - just been meaning to address this issue for awhile anyway...
Nope, the teacher I'm referring to is stout, Jewish, and wears a diffeent tie every day.
Sex: Bring it, girl.
tomtum - your tough talk always gets me all hot.
It may have been only 1.36% of the acutla post, but they're concentrated in three paragraphs. So there is a lull in between massive concentrations of shit, creating the illusion of massive use.
All scientific an' shit...
Ha! That's now a good 4 people I know officially (that looks like it's spelled so wrong) who do that. I think Dan Claus did a comic on that phenomenon even.
Glad to see your computer not sucking.
Oh, and check out the archives... I'm funny.
Schwach!!!! That goofy-ass tie wearin', Eastern-ass accent havin', non-passionate about his students being', classic-ass math teacher! Schwach is the shit and nobody can tell you otherwise!
Fuck yeah, Joey knows who the fuck I'm talkin' 'bout! "Schwach is my name, fuckin' up mother fuckers is my game!"
Sorry, I just watched Dolemite, so my case of the sailor-mouth probably just increased tenfold.
No shit, baby!
Dolemite is the shit.
I wear my headphones even when I've left my minidisc at home just for the warmth, but also to ignore people.
hey this is Anand. Jack, somebody has a comic on keenspace called lint. it is a terrible fantasy role playing comic. You should sue or something.
Oh god... "A pointless tale of epic proportions"? How dare they destroy my legacy with this lame shit!
For some reason The J Files is still up, though; granted completely abandoned and fucked up.
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