I Tend To Think Everyone Is Named Brian
I have seemed to persistantly avoided this whole HaloScan business, and I am glad frankly. I don't need no new age techno bullshit plauging my airwaves with its "Take Me To Your Leader" cyborg bullshit. That's right, I said bullshit twice in one run on sentence. Sue me, go on. I can say bullshit as many times as I damn well please, typically in direct proportion to how much bullshit the topic at hand actually is. Bullshit.
But now they have this whole business of "Word Verification", wherein you gotta type like "bizpharma" or some non-existant word in order to prove you are a human being and capable of comprehending illogical words without having your head implode. I am considering taking this step in my comment options, simply to keep out you no-good robotics what want me to click some link and increase my penis size tenfold. Well, you know what? My penis is just fine and keep your grubby hands off of it. Though I did initially have a very slight amount of fun in pretending the robot spammers were real and responding to them as though they actually did bookmark my site and actually were going to check back often and actually did have important info on billiard ball watchgolden round table thing the, but that got tiresome very fast as their numbers did increase by the plenties. Now I got people named "jon" or "vinnie vinnie two hands" jocking on my grill touting their wares at inopportune times, all the time, like a clock with a coocoo on repeat. I want them to go away, and am thus considering selloing my soul to the Blog Satans and getting word verification. But do you people want to have to read some swivled word on acid just to tell me that the point I made is somewhat valid? You tell me. I get so few comments as it is, I don't want to drive those few who still read this teaming pile away.
But now they have this whole business of "Word Verification", wherein you gotta type like "bizpharma" or some non-existant word in order to prove you are a human being and capable of comprehending illogical words without having your head implode. I am considering taking this step in my comment options, simply to keep out you no-good robotics what want me to click some link and increase my penis size tenfold. Well, you know what? My penis is just fine and keep your grubby hands off of it. Though I did initially have a very slight amount of fun in pretending the robot spammers were real and responding to them as though they actually did bookmark my site and actually were going to check back often and actually did have important info on billiard ball watchgolden round table thing the, but that got tiresome very fast as their numbers did increase by the plenties. Now I got people named "jon" or "vinnie vinnie two hands" jocking on my grill touting their wares at inopportune times, all the time, like a clock with a coocoo on repeat. I want them to go away, and am thus considering selloing my soul to the Blog Satans and getting word verification. But do you people want to have to read some swivled word on acid just to tell me that the point I made is somewhat valid? You tell me. I get so few comments as it is, I don't want to drive those few who still read this teaming pile away.
I believe I have a 99% commenting record on this site, and I believe I will continue that record, or improve upon it, whether I have to type in "schdeloon" or not.
I vote haloscan, but I know, it's hard. It's cutting and pasting code in other code and that's hard.
Ok, well, actually, haloscan does the c and p for you, and it actually works pretty well and shit, but it's up to you.
So I'll deal with the word ver thingymabob if you must.
Can you tell I'm avoiding writing my synopsis that is due at 10 tonight? God, somebody chat me up and save me from my boring first book.
i second the haloscan vote.
I'm still not really down with HaloScan. I don't know, seems too new. And CONFORMIST!
Plus, you're anonymous and you don't get a vote.
come on over to the haloscan site and see how we work. we aren't conformist. we aren't "establishment," jack. we're just here to help you talk to your imaginary friends...
-matt from haloscan
Me? I'd vote against Halo Scan because the spam bots don't irritate me half me as much as the HS look.
Oh man, the HaloScan people themselves have come to talk with me. How do I know you're really Matt from HaloScan, huh? On the internet, it turns out, you can lie about who you are!!! What a concept! Like, I could just "say" may name is "Jack" and you all would believe me, when in actuality my name is Rebecca Stevenson, 55 year old widow from Toronto! I have three wonderful dogs, all named Sniffers, and boy do they get confused when I call them! Oh boy!
Seriously, though, Matt, I have nothing in particular against you or your beurocratic (that's right, go ahead, tell me I spelled it wrong, I dare you) big business corporate conspiracy, I just like to take meaningless stands against things I feel indifferent towards. Call me sometime, though, we'll chill out, have a brewski, watch a little Iron Chef. Seriously, I don't want our business relationship to affect our personal relationship.
ok, it was me.
i'm matt.
do I still get to come over?
I'd prefer it. Spending time with Matt would've just been awkward, I don't know what to say to that guy.
"So... How is HaloScan?"
"Fucking revolutionary. Pass the chips."
"What have I done???"
What haven't you done?
MB: If you're trying to present yourself as the totality of asshole, you've succeeded. But why would you wnat to go and do that?
I'm so tired of assholes. They're all around me, living in my apartment and commenting on my blog. Oi.
now jack, this is hardly the first time MB has been an asshole.
I know, but the whole concept of "asshole" is really starting to get to me lately.
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