Drunk POost@!!!!
I am drunk and I'm posting. Girls are amazingly uscetible to douchy dude at a party... it's sad. I try my best but ulimately I respect women too much. WOmen are beaautiul and i LOVE THEM ESPECIIALY EeVARE BUT only her cuz othrer women suck. COlin is coom he holep-ed me byuy Cheetos they were so famdamn delicoisu I loved em all bits of em. Yummmmm mmm CH3eetos. He's plaiygn qith sa card now I c don'st know whT IST SIS Caps lock sucks it makes the drunk look stupid. I am typing a bout for serioushere. Make a move. A hundred times. Rubeber band is actually whwat he platys with ai used to do that in siexth gradee that swhit ewas he shit. AAAAAAGH. tHIS is thr only time you'll ever see me limket this i promise.
EDIT: Wow. Just wow. I think this is a work of art, I'm keeping it as is.
EDIT: Wow. Just wow. I think this is a work of art, I'm keeping it as is.
Jappanese road construction! Jack, what have you gotten yourself into? GET OUT NOW!!!
Hey, come on, can't you see I am typing a bout for serioushere?
yeah, those guys in road construction don't fuck around.
OMG, do you think he's already dead?? you have to be careful with those guys in private road construction.
wow I've never seen such good use of punctuation in a drunkin blog post
Thank you appreciate it I thanks.
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