Monday, March 28, 2005

Now All I Need Is Dog Semen And I'm Set

New day, new quarter! Glory be! I didn't even need to set an alarm, my class is so late in the day. The past two quarters I did the whole morning classes Monday through Friday thing; this quarter I'm going no morning classes and no Friday classes! Let's see if this drastic change in routine effects my life for better or worse. Yeah, I haven't even had my first class yet. Yet somehow I get the sense this quarter is going to be different. Why, you ask?

I was caught masturbating.

By a window washer.

Yeah, that's right. First thing on the first day of my final quarter for the year is practically lifted from an American Pie movie. This may be symbolic of my quarter being exciting and jam-packed full of stories I'll remember forever and tell at boring cocktail parties. Here's hoping. Turning over to see a Mexican guy hanging outside your window staring at you as you go about your day's business embaressed me slightly, but mainly just made me laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Did that actually happen? I thought only big shot Hollywood producers come up with formulaic juvenile shit like that. Apparantly it really happens from time to time, and not just to Ashton Kutcher.

So, with luck, this will be one hell of an interesting quarter, if this event is indication of anything. I'll keep you posted if I accidentally shampoo with another man's sperm or eat a sandwich with dog shit in it or something.

Aged Cat

Ah, spring break. Rest, relaxation. Rejuvination, recuperation. Fuck "reduce reuse recycle", this is where the real re- prefix is at. And though that "Ah" at the beginning of this post may imply to you faithful readers a sense of relief (another re-. It's re-diculous), rather that "Ah" is meant to be slightly ironic, as while spring break was a much needed necessity (re-peating re-dundancy... Anyone getting sick of this yet?) it was also mad taxing on my soul. I tried my best to squeeze in family, friend, girlfriend and, least of all, me time into an incredibly short and straining 10 days. Damn my popularity. I wish no one liked me so I could brood in my room all day instead of enjoying other people's company. Unfortunantly, for some reason beyond my comprehension, people do like me and want me around. I don't even want me around; you suckers can have me. But I had a fabulous time over these past 10 days and think I pulled it off splendidly. I saw an approximately equal time with everyone, and felt appropiate Catholic-style for those I neglected. The only problem being now I feel very stressed and need another vacation.

But fuck that. Vacation is for the weak. I shall start class tomorrow in the worn out, bogged down shape I'm in and like it, dammit.

Yep. It's a start of a brand new trimester. No, I'm not getting an abortion: My school is split into three quarters. It wouldn't really be called a quarter then, technically, but I'm not about to call it a fucking "third" after spending all my life in a god-damned even number state of acadamia. Anyone who gets that technical deserves to be slapped in the teeth anyway. That's right: The start of the year, clean slate, second chances. If you could see me, I'd be raising my fists to about head level in apathetic excitment, squeaking a dead-mouse-esque "Yay" from my parched and half-open mouth. See, I didn't do fabulous last quarter, so I feel I need to make up for it by being the best student ever. I'm gonna be that little bitch you always hated at the front of the class with the pocket protector and ready answer to pointless geographical location questions, but only in spirit. I plan on being the same nonchalant jackass in the back of the class who says "Pssht" to everything the teacher says while leaning back in my chair, picking my teeth with a toothpick. Actually, I plan to adopt neither persona, but simply felt like writing about the two. I'm just going to flat out do well, and though I know I say this same thing every semester since 7th grade, this time it's going to be true. And I know I say that one every time too, but... uh... Now I have no way to wrap up this sentence without engaging in a pointless and drawn-out circle of writing. So I'll just claim that, in all sincerity, I shall make it so. On top of that, I want to get all my side project stuff in order, like get together a band finally, start drawing a comic again, and all that other non-school related stuff. I also want to eat better, exercise more, and get lots of time outside, now that it's so friggin' nice out. I want to do everything. I will.

Ok. See that? That, friends, is optimism, once again rearing it's ugly head 'round the corner to look at me square in the eyes. Optimism is the enemy, or rather it is the policeman on a sting operation here to set me up. All optimism serves to do is say "Pull" and send the plate that is my soul into the heavens, and while this plate truly believes it's been set free and can fly forever, it soon realizes it was only released so Charlton Heston could shoot it down and feel a fleeting sense of pride at having destroyed it. Yes, folks, that plate (my soul, remember. Don't get lost in the metaphor) is now in shards all over the ground. I was all set to improve my life and feel good about myself when life bitch-slaps me simply to show me who's boss. See, I didn't think I was going to do too well in two of my classes in last quarter, so I avoided looking at the grades for as long as possible. Well, I checked today, and... Hey! I got C's in both of them! Yes, Mom, a C is not great. But, trust me, it's much better than what I thought I was getting. This is a large part of what made me want to improve my grades. Then I saw my English grade.


Are you fucking shitting me, you mother fucking shit eater? I had a steady B in your class all fucking semester and you fucking spring this shit on me last minute like some douchy big fuck god damn shit-cock? Fuck you!

Sorry, that was really directed towards my teacher, who isn't reading this anyhow, not you, Betty Sue the Amish orphan. Just don't tell Jesus, ok? This is just between me and you. There's a good girl.

[Herein Jack speaks solely to the teacher. Upon realization he will never read this and this passage is really more for my other readers, you may continue on and not feel guilty/confused about reading something directed at someone else. Go on. Continue.] Alright. Granted I was a dick to you all semester (I plan on interchanging "quarter" and "semester" whenever I feel like it, to kepp you on your toes, you know. Get used to it). Granted I missed a few days of class and took a moral opposition to every assignment you gave. Granted I openly questioned every little fucking dumbass rule you gave and would not sit idly by and let you barf bullshit from your gaping maw. Granted I never listened and fell backwards in my chair mid-lesson once. Granted I pissed you off. Grant all of this. I still did your fucking assignments. I still did god damn good on them too. If I'm getting a B at the end of the semester before I turn in my final paper, how in the balls do I drop two fucking grades on a paper you deemed not only acceptible but well-written upon inspection of the rough draft? I made all the little minute dick-hole corrections to the bibliography and comma placement you asked me to, which I subconsciously did wrong in the first place anyway to piss you off, even though that shit shouldn't matter anyway. You aren't not seeing the forest for the trees, you're not seeing the forest because you're facing the opposite direction, your eyes are closed and your head is buried several feet below the ground. You taught us the wrong way to do that shit anyway; all I did in your class was anti-learn. Everything I knew about commas and grammar and bibliographies you shoved out of my head, sliced into little pieces and fed back to me with your special homemade topping of LIES!!!

Yes, I needed some ranting time. Feel free to skip that paragraph if you please, though I suppose if you're reading this one, chances are you already read that one. Well, those are the breaks. The only thing I can think of that would drop me that much is the portfolio we had to turn it at the end, more bullshit, which basically is a collection of all the stupid crap handouts he's dumped on us throughout the class. With no list of what to have in it nor how to do it, how in the fuck can it possibly be wrong? My teacher handed out a political cartoon towards the end of class we neither discussed, read nor acknowledged. In my portfolio, I isolated that into a section called "Handouts you gave us that we never discussed that you only gave to us as a test to see if they'd be in here". That's tough to write on a tab about .5 X 1 inches long, so you know I spent time and effort on this portfolio (essentially a glorified pile of paper waste), despite this effort going into being an asshole to my teacher.

Can you actually legitimatly drop two grades for being an asshole? It was simply my little way of saying subtly "You suck as a teacher and I hated every minute of your shitty class". I never did anything drastically wrong in any assignment, nor did I neglect to do them. All I did was be a prick. It's my God-given right as an American to be a prick to those that deserve it. You can't argue with that logic: it's got both "God" and "America" in it. I can't sit idly by and let some teacher be a douche without being a pissy little thorn in their side; it just wouldn't be right. But it's also not right to judge my academic work on my personal behavior. I'm considering several options in this situation: Write a pissy e-mail, with similar words and phrasings as are seen in this post; write a cordial, polite e-mail asking simply why my grade is as it is; or speak to him in person. The problem with in person is I may not be able to control the pissy/polite ratio as well as I can textually. Basically, this will not stand. And if it sits it'll be really uncomfortable, and maybe it's leg will fall asleep.

So, yes, there you have it. Yet another example of optimism kicking me in the ass. I'm afraid to feel joy now. How can I ever achieve anything if the feeling of happiness and excitment is consistently crushed as soon as it is brought into this world? Bah! Eh, fuck it. I'll still try my damndest this quarter, maybe even more so now that I know I did bad in English. Check back in with me and see if I've kept up my empty promise.

And if not, I promise I'll do better next year.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I Bleed Out My Vagina

I've noticed that my average blog post is far longer than any paper I've written so far for school. It certainly didn't seem that way until I actually compared them on a word by word basis. These shits is long. I think the fact that these go directly from my brain to here with almost no editing or even though sometimes is a major factor. My teacher keeps trying to scare us with the painfully empty threat of "the six page paper!!!!!!!!" Six pages? I could take a dump in a McDonalds bag and write about it's significance to 1870's Lithuanian poetry for six pages, easy. The beauty of double spacing makes for some easily filled pages. Posts aren't double spaced and are in a very confined area, hence it's an optical illusion that they seem smaller. Optics, man. It's all optics. Like when a tree falls in the woods? Total optics.

This was a dumb post, but that's alright. I am doing this out of boredom once again rather than out of having something to say. That's the other interesting part about blog posts being longer: More often than not, I have absolutely nothing to say in them. In papers, I have something very specific to say. I'm trying to convey a specific point through convincing arguments and books I pretended to read. They have thesis statements and introductions and conclusions and persuasive language and the whole lot. Yet somehow I am able to write tons more when I write about what happened to my shoe today:

"I got new shoes for 4 dollars at the thrift store because my old pair has holes in them. The toe of my sock keeps getting wet, and wet socks, as we are all well aware, is not my cup of tea. These new shoes are termed 'street formal', as they could easily be worn with a tux as well as with bank robbing outfits. Perfect for a hobo's wedding. I stepped on the tip of the shoelace and it got kind of scratched up, but visually it's not noticeable. Texturally, there is a clear difference between the aforementioned lace tip and the other lace tips, but the amount of times I actually touch it long enough to notice is so negligible that I wonder why I even brought it up in the first place. The bottoms are cleated, as in they have cleats (got it?), so this could certainly have attributed to the new texture caused when stepping on the lace. These cleats certainly come in handy on the ice, as it is icy outside, as it is winter, as water tends to freeze in said season. See, because it makes it easier to keep my balance and not fall when walking on ice. If my ne shoes were New Balance, I would chuckle very minimally to myself about how they keep my balance and the word balance is in the name, but would quickly realize it is neither funny nor worthy of mention. Alas, they are not. They're Pony's. Not as cool to say as my old pair, Lugz, but certainly better than some dumb-shit like 'Reebok'. I'm not going to call them 'Reebok's'; not on your life. I miss my Lugz. Maybe I'll duct tape them and still wear them on occasion. The hole is pretty big though; at that point it might as well be a freaking duct tape shoe. "

That, my friends, was 1006 words. Without even trying or thinking. I remember back in 4th grade when we prepared for weeks on a 1000 word essay. Now I can shit one out my brain like it was two for one burrito night. I think part of me has set a standard of writing long posts that is difficult to get past. My small posts have penis envy of my larger posts. I could easily have left this post at one small paragraph; I think I stuck that shoe part in less as proof and more as filler material. But what do you care, you know I'm full of shit anyway.

Maybe it's time for bed. I'm in that mood again...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Oi Esto? Es Tocino... En La Cazuela!!!

"Fuck the po-lice." Despite the fact that the man who once said these immortal words is now starring in a child/road trip movie entitled "Are We There Yet?", they once meant something beautifully anti-establishment. Taking such a decisive stand against the oppressive and racist nature of the Police Department was a glorious strike against the tyranny and the bullshit of our modern established vocations of power. Fuck, fuck, fuck the po-lice. I had always known of cops being racist and hard-up for beating city rapscallions, but being a non-descript, non-threatening white male I never really experienced it first-hand. Until now.

Let me set the context a little bit. First of all, the discussion topic a week or so ago was the Virgin Mary and how she got shafted by God by getting pregnant without even getting to do the fuck even once. For shame. You should be able to get a little bit of action for having to bare the son of God. That shit ain't right. So eventually we began to talk about the G-Spot, as all good conversations eventually drift towards. Through the art of combination, G-Spot and Jesus became the J-Spot. Having just snowed, it seemed like an ample opportunity to write this newly discovered noun all over in the snow, as though we were five again and had just discovered the concept. Pleased with ourselves, we moved on.

Cut to a week later. Our group was about to attend a party, as this is college and those who don't attend parties clearly are wasting their lives. At these events, it is usually wise to pre-game, ie get drunk before hand so that if the beer runs out (which it almost certainly will) you can still have fun. I'm not one for big parties because of the large mass of people who I don't like, but sometimes you need to go outside your comfort zone, or whatever the fuck excuse I feel like tacking on here. Besides, it's fun to be drunk and silly and dance and scream and piss people off. People aren't so bad if you're inebriated. So, anyway, pre-game. Cider and wine. Yummers. As we left I stuck the wine bottle in the lining of my coat so as to allow for access to it in the future. I'm not really drunk per se, but definitely enjoying my current state of mind. So much so that I decide to write J-Spot on a car. Hey, how about that. Such a simple pleasure. Such childish abandon. Amazing how such a simple thing can bring me such joy. I'll write it another, I believe.

Oops. Cop shop.

Not seeing anyone around, I felt it appropiate to write J-Spot on one of the cars parked in the police station. As soon as I had done so, the parked police car behind me flicked on it's light and six police men swarmed around me. I felt like I should run, but that's usually not a good idea. I didn't really do anything wrong, I can talk my way out of this.

"Why don't you come back and finish what you were writing?"

"No, that's ok, I'm done."

"Get back here you little shit."

Hey, language, fellah. That was PG-13, my good man.

"You wanna tell me what you were doing?"

"Uh, writing something in the snow, I suppose."

"J Spot. What the fuck does that mean?"

"Well, it's like if Jesus had a G-Spot, you know? J-Spot."

"How would you like it if someone wrote on your car, huh?"

"I don't know if that's really the question you want to ask, because I frankly wouldn't care."

"Put your hands on your head."

Were these guys joking? I was fully prepared for the policemen to break into laughter and say "Eh, we're just messing with ya." Didn't quite happen that way. I got searched, not just padded but full on pockets emptied and everything. "Looking for rock" I believe was the term they used. Oh, rock, you know the street term for drugs now? Congragulations, I applaud you on your hefty backlog of knowledge, good sir. Police training certainly got you prepared for this job. Those little videos you watched in training did you some good; when someone on the street is looking for "rock", it's not an actual stone they're looking for. It's crack! Hey, you've done good. Have a fucking cookie.

"You mean to tell me you guys don't have anything better to do than hassle me? Tax dollars at work."

"Shut the fuck up."

"Are you recording this? This would make an excellent segement for Cops."

"What was that? Do you have a tape recorder? Check him for a tape recorder."

Geez, guys. I don't have a fucking tape recorder you idiots. Cops are too fucking literal. If all of this fuss is over a simple message in the snow, maybe I could somehow show them that this message is by no means permanent. People tend to wipe the snow off their car before the drive anyway; it's not only habit but it certainly helps to be able to see out the back window. It's just safer and ultimately better for everyone that way. My little proclamation on "J-Spot", which apparantly is quite offensive despite the fact that it basically has little to no connotations, would hardly be seen nor paid attention to. But in an attempt to make this whole problem disappear I wiped the snow off for them. See, it's gone now! They didn't like the fact that I took my hands off my head for this. Some shoving occured. Hey, come on now guys. I'm trying to make things right. I figured that if this horrid message were all gone from our sights, the drove of policemen would all grow big smiles and all of a sudden the sun would start shining and we'd all hug and sway back and forth and sing "Why Can't We Be Friends?" with unicorns and shooting stars dancing in the sky. Somehow things didn't quite work out like this.

"What did I do wrong? Is it wrong to write in the snow all of a sudden?"

"What are you, a tagger who forgot his fucking pen? You can't go writing on other people's cars."

"That was a rhetorical question sir. You didn't have to answer it. Do you know what rhetorical means?"

"Yes, I fucking know what rhetorical means. I have a fucking masters, you little shit."

"What does it mean?"


"You can answer that one; that wasn't rhetorical."

"I can't stand these intelligent types; you're a fucking MENSA moron."

MENSA moron? What? How long did it take you to come up with that? Do you run into these "intelligent types" often? Sorry if they make you and your tiny penis feel inadequate; I think a few hassle sessions ought to set things straight.

"Aha! What are these?"

"Uh, keys."

Yeah, I use them to shoot lines of coke. Oh, and maybe to open my fucking door.

"You know, I never understood why people hated cops until now."

More shoving.

The group I was with had basically scattered at this point. They were around the corner, but they didn't want to get into this shit, as most of them were drunk and that would only make things worse. Thankfully one of my sober friends stuck around.

"You're lucky your friend is watching. I'd a fucking kicked you in the groin and broken your glasses."

After being let free, I walked solemnly away. The two cops that stayed in the back said something along the lines of you shouldn't mess with the cops. Oh. Hmm.

"Support your local police!"

I had to fit in one last asshole comment before I left.

So after this little power trip was over, I profusely thanked my friend who had stuck around, because my groin is special to me, and I'd hate to see it get hurt. Actually, part of me wanted them to full on beat me up so I could have something official against them. No one will make much of this event, and any complaints from me will do nothing. This is how the system works. On a Friday night in Chicago, six cops have nothing better to do than hassle some punk kid writing on snow. How many murders went unsolved, you think? Probably none, but it was a nice little piece of overdramaticizing the situation, don't you think? I think. The cops are basically a gang with legal authority, Crips with a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. Policing the law makes you the law. We can fuck with whoever we want. I always knew cops did this to minorities and never fully comprehended it to its fullest extent.

Fuck, fuck, fuck the po-lice.

Fuck that shit, 'cuz I aint the one for a punk motherfucker with a badge and a gun to be beatin' on and thrown in jail.

What if I had been black? These assholes didn't do shit to me, really, in comparison to what they easily could have done. It's a frightening thought to think that these are the fuckers who are meant to protect us and keep the peace. They love picking fights. A badge is seen as a right of passage to do whatever the fuck you please, and it's kind of scary. In a desperate attempt to display their hairy chests and manly attitudes they pick on a skinny white college kid who wants nothing more from life than to love people and have a good time. I don't want to hurt anyone, and I certainly did not that not. What would Jesus do, guys? Did you even read the bracelets? Oh, that reminds me, part of the reason they let me go, it seems, is because I attend a Catholic school. Thank god I'm not Muslim.

"Go get your jollies somewhere else."

Jollies. Yeah. My "jollies". What do you think this is, fucking Scotland Yard? I'm certainly getting my "jollies" writing on cars. Look at the rosy cheeks and portly belly I adapt as soon as I put index finger to snow. My freind Rudolph comes and I feed him berries and we prance around as I chortle happily to myself. Jollies. Come on, people. If you know the term "rock", you have to at least know some street terms for "jollies". I'm high on crack, that's the only explanation for such bizarre behavior. Fuckin' pissers.

They didn't find the wine. The only thing I technically did wrong was underage drinking, which is bullshit anyway. But they didn't find the wine, so therefore, in the eyes of the law, I was in the mother fucking clear. It's another great representation of how incompetent these police are. They focus so much on the thing that wasn't actually wrong to find the thing I actually did wrong. They threatened to put me in lock up for the night and kick me in the groin. Aren't there some supervillians you could be hashing this out on? I am a waste of time, guys, all I'm going to do is piss you off and make you more anti-intillectual than you already were. Dumb and big, that's the way to be. Puff out your chest, it gets bigger if you contract the blood flow to your brain.

Back in the Twin Cities I had multiple run-ins with the police, but it was no big thing. I never did anything wrong, rather just did things that seemed odd and warranted their attention. Usually they'd come out and talk with the group and ask why we're filming someone in a robe and staff chanting end-times apocalypse theory at 2 AM in downtown St. Paul. We of course always had a snappy comeback, and were never beligerent. You work with these guys, they'll work with you. They're more curious than anything. I'm a smooth talker, I manage to get myself in good with cops. Minnesota cops at least. I had heardfrom a friend that in small-town northern Minnesota cops would come up and hassle you for simply waving at them. I wave at cops all the time. Who knows, it might be Officer Friendly in there. I could never wrap my head around the fact that cops would actually bother to stop you if you did something so simple as wave at them. It seemed so silly. I understand now. Cops are fucked up. Something about the uniform gives them this whole new mentality of power that must be wielded. So many people used to take such a militant us versus them attitude when it came to police, and I was never one of them because I had never had trouble with cops beyond the occassional questioning. Now I understand this us versus them mentality: They are the quintessential representation of power gone wrong, of the establishment shoving their ideals and might down your throat, of THE MAN. Talking with these cops didn't seem to do much, because the first thing they did was get me up against the car. I'm glad I was drunk enough to give them shit but not so drunk that I became obviously beligerent. I'm not about to let these pigs do that shit to me for nothing. I'm a snide comment maker, from here til eternity. Sarcasm is my weapon: All it hurts is your pride, which is the driving force behind what you're doing to hurt me.

Fuckin' pigs. Fuckin' coppers. Fuck the po-lice.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Motumbo Is A Master Chef

Blogger can lick my nuts. I don't mean that in the sense that I like it so much that I wish it would put my genitals into it's mouth; it's really more of a derogetory, like in the case that my nuts were displeasing to lick. They are quite enjoyable, if I do say so myself, so maybe that was a poor choice of words to express my anger. Maybe I should say Blogger is hereby disallowed from licking my nuts. Or maybe it can lick my nuts, but only in situations where I'm real sweaty and haven't showered for days and I accidentally smeared lard and cod oil all over them. You know, accidentally. But as soon as we extend this little angry metaphor into realms such as those, we begin to bring up flaws, such as Blogger is not a human being nor is it even a singular thing that I can stick my nuts in. Blogger is composed of many facets, and to state that this collection of facets is to lick my nuts is to complicate the issue entirely, as are we herein talking about multiple nut-licking sessions, or are my nuts going to have to grow to such an immense proportion that each facet can lick some at the same time? I'm not willing to go through with that, even on a metaphorical level, so maybe I should drop the whole nut-licking thing. Besides, baby Jesus sheds a tiny yet abundantly holy tear every time I get vulgar and bring testicles into a conversation that did not warrant testicles, so maybe I should stop, being almost Easter and all. It's the anniversary of his rising; I can't make him upset with thoughts of my gleaming, immaculate balsac. It wouldn't be right.

But back to the initial point I was attempting to make, before I got all cluttered and distracted by impure thoughts: Blogger sucks. That's right. By now the comment boxes in people's Blogs have become a community. It's a place where people can react, reminisce, and all in all coerce with other individuals who read one anothers blogs. It can be a popularity contest at times, seeing how many comments one has on a post. Many comments usually signify a high-quality post, or at least one that has sparked a large amount of conversation. Conversing is good. It builds healthy social structures and allows one's opinions and musings to be bounced of many other people. So, basically: We likey the talk-talk thing. And when mean ol' Mr. Blog Man takes our talk-talk thing away from us, we get mad. I haven't been able to post comments, and I assume receive them, for quite some time. If I have something important to say to someone else, it usually gets lost in the frustration of trying to click a link that clearly is not working. Even if it's not important, I need to keep up appearances here. As a community, members tend to get upset and wonder what sort of things are going on behind the scenes when someone doesn't comment for a while. This whole thing is very much like a small suburban town where everyone knows everyone, but not really. But this sense of community breaks down like London Bridge when our ability to comment is taken away. Hence: Blogger can lick my nuts.

We don't really give a fuck how new or space-age your comment box is. It floats? It has sparkles? It plays soothing ocean sounds while massaging your feet? It places the persons icon next to the comment so we can pretend like they're right there talking to us in person? Who cares? I don't need your god damn bells and whistles, I just wanna say "Yeah" to people after they say something I agree with. Bells and whistles only serve to ding and tweet, and let me tell you, dinging and tweeting get very old very fast. You might as well throw a kazoo on there. We don't need "new and improved" if all that seems to mean is "doesn't fucking work". I'd sooner walk than ride in a BMW that doesn't drive.

Technology of any kind has always served to stick in my craw. My craw is a loner and prefers things not stick in it. Computers seem to me like the cruelest joke in the world: Here is a machine that can do everything you've ever wanted really fast and really easily. However, it'll never work when you want it to. Once you've come to rely on it, it'll turn it's back on you. Aren't we at war? Don't we not put up with this sort of turncoatism in wartime? Last time I checked, we tossed Benedict Arnold off a plane and made an egg recipe out of him for easy access to breakfast mockery. I say we do the same with computers. They're traitors to the cause. What cause is that? Who knows. But if there were to be one, I'd bet my bippy that they'd be first in line to betray us on it. I say we have a national "Toss Your Computer Out The Window Day", where... Well, I guess it's pretty self-explanatory.

Hell, why stop there? Everything I've come to rely on electronically has kicked me in the junk bucket time and time again. I had to perform a song for my music class, and honest to god every single piece of equipment I used in both the creation and performance fucked out on me at least once. All of them. If that doesn't sound like a conspiracy to you, you're far to literal for me and you think you need to leave and go take a very cold shower. I say we toss 'em all out the window. Hell, toss the window out the window: It's technology that has failed us. Whistle dixy at me in the middle of the night, will ya? I'll toss you out the hole that you used to be in like it was nothing. That hole does a better job than you ever did anyway. Clocks? Fuck 'em. What do you think the sun is for, heat and energy? Ha! It's a big ass clock, ladies and gentlemen; the original Big Ben. Bigger than Ben even. Ben ain't got shit on Mr. Golden Sun. Forks? What have forks done for us other than jab us in the gums on an eating miscalculation? Nothing. Ain't done nothing for nobody. Toss them into the river and let the fish see if they can scoop some plankton with it. We got fingers, bitches. They're like ten little forks that just dangle off your hands; anything that can't be eaten with fingers shouldn't be eaten. Every man made piece of technology you come across I want you to toss off some sort of large height. This height is up to you, get creative, get silly! Just imagine the joyously triumphant onomonopia you'll get to hear and enjoy when your refridgerator hits the pavement from 12 stories up! That's a story the grandkids will enjoy, I assure you! It's time we stop relying so much on this techno-babble bullshit; destroy it and move on.

Well, now that I got that off my chest, it's back to surfing the net and watching TV. Peace.

[Oh, and if you leave a comment to this, tack on how long it took for it to finally work.]

Monday, March 07, 2005

See, What Happened Was...

So it looks like I have to answer some questions. That's cool. I'm eager to please. Anything... for a lady. The delay in answering comes mainly from an intense lack of desire to post. But here I am, and your questions are hereby answered. But keep in mind curiosity killed the cat. Or, more accurately, that grain thresher with the shiny thing in it did, but let's not discount curiosity's important role in this.

What was I talking about? I don't know.

Here are the questions posed at me by your freind and mine, Sex Scenes At Starbucks:

1. Hands down best sexual experience. (Details, man. We want details.)
2. What sort of betrayal warrants divorce? What's the worst thing you would forgive a significant other?
3. Do you keep up with current events? Favorite source?
4. What is your most unconventional quality?
5. Name three goals for your life (and how you'll achieve them) that have nothing to do with career or money or other people.


1. Hands down best sexual experience. (Details, man. We want details.)

- Alrighty. Anyone who doesn't want to hear the answer to this I suggest you stop reading and move on to the next question.

Anyone still here? Ok.

I think my best sexual experience had to be when my girlfreind came up to visit me here in Chicago for the first time. It was a long, lonely and sexless time here in my drab, gray (not sure which one is the British spelling; not sure if I care) dorm room. A good 2 months or so alone... It was the longest time without sex I'd ever gone since I lost my virginity. I was bottled up and lonely and missed the girlfreind desperately. It was very hard being alone, and a lack of sex was certainly not helping things much. Then came news of the girlfreind coming to visit me for the weekend. I was ecstatic. The weekend was the best sex I've ever had. We were doing it constantly. Somehow, I guess my roommate got the clue and left the room for the majority of the weekend. The feeling of being with someone again, being able to touch them and feel close to them, warmed my soul like hot chocolate. Everything felt right again. Back home, we hardly got the chance to have a place to ourselves. Here... Ha ha ha ha!!! We felt little to no regard for the people on either side of us, nor below. Thank god those bedsprings were well-built, because we easily could have busted through to the floor. We yelled loud enough to echo through the walls. Volume was no matter to us; rarely did we get the chance to explode in animal lust, but we used this opportunity to let our natural sexual instincts take over. My sheets were pretty destroyed by the end of the weekend, but, considering all we did to them, they actually held their own. We exhausted most positions, as well as our ability to breathe. All in all, a time that will stay with me forever as an amazingly beautiful experience of reuniting, togetherness, love, and, most of all, insanly hot sex.


2. What sort of betrayal warrants divorce? What's the worst thing you would forgive a significant other?

- I tend to forgive and forget pretty easily. If Oprah has taught us anything... But this is based on the fact that signifigant others tend not to do anything remarkably drastic in the first place. I don't know what the worst thing I'd forgive would be, because I don't know really what is unforgivable. I'm a pretty easy going feller; I tend to let things slide. But as far as divorce goes, any betrayal that represents a loss of love would warrant divorce. Once the love is gone, what's the point? What that thing may be is unknown to me, but if the time comes I'd know.

I typically take things as they come and don't think now what my reaction could potentially be. This is why I hate when little kids/people who still act like little kids ask things like "What if I were to punch you in the jaw right now? Huh? What would you do?" What would I do? Fuck off, punk. Why would you even ask that? What the hell? I don't know what I'd do off-hand, but trust me when I say you'll wish you hadn't done that.

Anyway, sorry, you know my deep-seated love affair with tangents.


3. Do you keep up with current events? Favorite source?

- Not as much as I probably should. My favorite sources are The Onion and The Daily Show, just like everybody else.

Actually, I guess I get a lot of it from friends who keep up with the news or I randomly stumble across it on the internet. The little sidebar on the side (where else?) of the Hotmail Inbox helps keep me afloat in the sea of bullshit news and how to keep my man happy (Guys love girls who love sports! Play hard to get! Tickle his testicles with a rock!). So, basically, no, I don't keep up with current events. They'd just make me more angry. Grr.


4. What is your most unconventional quality?

- I tend to act on impulse. All the time. A lot of people have the urge to do really odd things for no apparant reason, but most seem to hold back. I hardly ever do so. Thankfully, most of my impulses are not to lick tires or stab old ladies in the heart, but rather silly, childish forays into the absurd. I kick things. I pee on places that seem like they ought to be peed on. I make castles out of condiments. I stick my shirt over the fan and pretend I have a huge belly. I care not for who's around to see me do these stupid things. Societal mandates never meant that much to me; it's a plus because I'm an individual but it's a minus because I never hold in a fart, no matter how dead of a cow it smells like.

I also tend to think in great detail about things that really should not be thought about in the first place. The stairs that lead from my floor to the lobby are ordered in a very specific way. Each flight is an even number of stairs, except for the two flights leading from 2nd floor to the last flight. The last flight is even, but has 2 more stairs than every other flight. The two odds have 1 extra. This means the quickest way to bound down these stairs is to run down them, skipping every second stair, but starting on the first stair on the odd flights. This took many stair-hopping sessions to figure out all the intricate details involved, but now I can slam them stairs in two seconds flat. Now I'm working on figuring out the elusive stairs in the student center, which appear to be very random and placement and will take some time to accurately decipher.

Now why in the hell did I even think about any of that? I don't know. Pass the time, maybe, or maybe I'm deeply interested in the insignifigance of life. If I spent that much thought, time and effort on something productive, maybe I'd be a functional human being with prospects and a future. But it looks like it's too late for that.


5. Name three goals for your life (and how you'll achieve them) that have nothing to do with career or money or other people.

- 1. Beat Krusty's Super Funhouse for Sega Genesis.

This game has stuck in my craw forever. I played this as a child constantly and have never been able to figure it out. I got to the final stage, though only because I accidentally guessed the password (SIDESHOW. How fucking obvious is that?). I really, really want to see what happens when you win and all the rats are exterminated... Even if it's unbelievably lame and not worth the trouble, at least that chapter in my life will be closed. I'll be able to finally sleep well at night, and those haunting dreams of smiling, chattering demonic rats will discontinue their reign on my brain. I plan to do this by ignoring other obligations and people and focus solely on the game until it is finally completed. This is certainly not about bragging rights, as no one has even heard of this game. It's strictly about closing the door on another piece of unfinished business in the life of Jack.

- 2. Be able to play several different instruments equally well.

I currently play guitar. I am self-taught, without a lesson in my life, and, considering, I think I'm pretty damn good (even though occassionally when I get drunk I switch into "self-doubt" mode and rattle off things like "I suck at the guitar" and "I'm unattractive"). I can hold my own on a drum set, and am better at piano than your average Joe. But I want to do it all. Any instrument you hand me I want to be able to rock a beat so phat you'll drop your drawers and sit on my lap out of pure instinct. Even those crazy-ass Dr. Suess-type instruments that don't make any god damn sense when you look at them. I really want to play accordian, be mad proficient at piano, rock the sitar, jangle on the ol' banjo, even play giant tube things like I was covered in blue paint or something. I want to kick Stomp's ass. I want my mindless rapping of my knuckles on the desk to inspire future generations to make a name for themselves tapping incoherent beats onto atypical surfaces. I don't even care if I wind up making a career out of it; I just want the talent. I think it'd be sweet, and the ladies would love me. How do I go about achieving this? The same way I've achieved my moderate skill on any other instrument: Pick it up, mess with it for a while, and eventually become a God. Or I could get a genie. Them's fuckers is nice.

- 3. Finally feel completely happy with myself.

I have always, and potentially will always, had a tinge of self-doubt in everything I do. I have poor self-esteem, though I tend to not let it get in my way. It's actually not terribly bad: I am confident in most of my abilities, I think I'm good at many things, and I think suicide and self-mutilation is for pussies. But I think what I have is less a depression as it is a case of extreme humility. It's better to hate yourself too much than to love yourself too much. I have very little semblance of ego, which may aid in my occasional dislike for myself. It's always really stupid unwarranted reasoning, and most people tell me just to shut up when I bring it up. Good. They should. It is dumb of me to feel this way. I'm so dumb... God, why can't I do anything right???? Ha, just kidding. 4 question marks ought to tell you I'm just pulling your dick. I get bummed out on myself sometimes, as I'm sure we all do, and the way to help this and to feel confidence in oneself is to immerse oneself in things they love and things that love them. Reminders of why the world is actually a wonderful place underneath all the shit we have to put up with are the key to happiness, I feel. I achieve this often, and it'd be nice to finally get to a state of mind where I can be reminded of the world being a wonderful place all the time. I think I need an angel to come slap me around a little bit like in It's A Wonderful Life.


And there you have it. I suppose to keep the proverbial ball proverbially rolling, I'll have to ask ya'll some questions, though literally this time, not proverbially. If you'd like me to ask you questions, leave a comment in the box and I'll ignore it for 2 weeks and then ask you some. Cheerio and pip pip, have a rollicking day.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Little In Hands Thing

Say, remember all that stuff I said about my week being made? I lied. This week is shit. Boo on this week. I had a great day, I suppose, but it takes quite a bit to make a full week, and apparently Monday just didn't cut it, because yesterday, today and the rest of the projected week appears as though it is going to be one giant fist up my ass. And next week doesn't look much better. But I'm reminding myself that after these shit weeks, I get to go on break. However, one thing that bugs me a bit about this break is it's a little over a week long. So, if these next two weeks go by quickly as I hope they do, that means there's a good chance that week will go by quickly as well.

I feel like too much of my life is wishing chunks of time will go away. I say to myself "I wish it were 3 weeks from now...". Then once I hit that point that I wish I was at, I enjoy it then move on to wishing another sizable chunk of time were gone. When I'm old I know I'll look back and wish I could relive all this time, but as of now I'm wishing it all to go to hell. It's kind of annoying, because I'm young,; verile; full of pip and vinegar; a young man in the prime of his life. And most of this time is spent wishing I had less time in my life. If these are the best years of my life, I'm treating it like it was a pretty good couple of weeks.

I need something interesting to happen to me. I need to have the time that normally would be twiddled away be just as fun and exciting and worth being alive as the times I enjoy. Every full-fledged adult I come across feels the need to let me know that college is the "most fun I'll have in my life" and then proceed to silently reminisce on their own college years. What am I missing out on? These times aren't so great. What is it that made them the best times for everyone? Drugs? Eh, they're ok. Not a huge fan. They get quite boring quite fast. For me they're pretty much something to do when there is nothing else, and I couldn't really see basing my life on them. Sex? I'm having considerably less sex here than I was in high school. I'm not really in the position nor mood for sexual conquest, and also see that as a somewhat fleeting and feeble reason to call these the best years of your life. Meeting new people? I hate people. I've met people, and I've not liked them. People suck. All that meeting new people does is further to prove this fact to me. Independence? Independence is another way of saying "You have to pay for shit yourself". I've seen little to no difference from living on my own than with my parents, other than the fact that meals here suck and I have no one to care when I don't do my homework. What then? Am I missing out on some crucial purpose to college that makes it so great? Is it me? Is it my college? Is it the times? Is everyone else having more fun than I am and I just don't realize it? Or does life just truly suck at all times and everyone just thinks these were the best years of their life? Yeah, times probably are better now than they will be later, but they're not fabulous now, which only gives me a bleek glimpse into my sulking, impotent adult life.

Nothing in college is like the movies from what I've seen. There's not a big frat scene here (thank god) which may account for the lack of stereotypical college rambunctiousness. I've gone to parties, which have been pretty much consistently lame. I've met people, who are mostly either jackasses or in the same boring predicament as me. Life is still just as blah as it's always been; more so even. It is winter, which probably explains much of my negative and hermetic attitude. I often get like this in winter. I also get like this when I have shit to do. Hey, it's both winter and I have shit to do! This might be the key to the whole thought process my pissy little mind is going through. Any people who have grown up already and been through the college years care to explain to me exactly what it was that made them so fucking special? I'll need full explanations, complete with back-up evidence and pertinence to a modern context please, because I'm one to think everyone is full of shit upon first glance. If it turns out it is sex or drugs, please go into deeper detail as to why the sex and drugs you had then are better than the sex and drugs you've had any other time. And if it turns out it's because of "higher learning", please shut up and go bury your head in the sand. I don't need that bullshit; I certainly have learned next to nothing this past year. Someone please help me out: Is it just me, or does life suck for everyone all the time? How can I improve? How can I look back and legitimately say that these years were the best years of my life? I feel like I'm wasting so much time and energy and horniness that could be spent on something better. I'm in a "There's got to be more to life than this" mode; if there is, let me know; if there isn't, also let me know, so I can give up now and stop pretending like playing Sega and beating off is not the greatest happiness potential I will ever have.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wouldn't Want To Disturb The Ducks

Oh man. My week was just made. I like it when my week is made right at the very beginning. It's annoying when it gets made at the end because there's not really enough of it left to count as a full week. I suppose it doesn't have to be a strict calendar week, but then I start to confuse myself with exact times and dates. It's so much easier when it happens on a Monday like it did today, especially since it purports to be a pretty shitty week. But since it has now been made, I am feeling upbeat and positive about everything.

What was it that made my week, you ask? Why, I went to see Shonen Knife!!! Yay!!! I absolutely adore those girls; they rock so hard and dress so cute. I've wanted to see them forever and ever, and finally I have, and what perfect timing too! They had big old smiles on their faces the whole show... It made me giddy with childish glee. The world needs Shonen Knife. May they stay just as they are for all of time.
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