Leave Beer Out Of This
Our Nations Average Voter: "So, uh... (sips beer) What you been up to lately?"
President Bush: "Well, our country has been in great turmoil. What our country needs to fight the war on terrrrrrr is a leader who isn't afraid to make unpopular decisions to maintaininize the freedom of this great nation."
Voter: "Uh, yeah. I saw the debates. You kinda already said that a couple of times."
Bush: "My opponent voted 643 times against the..."
Voter: "Yeah... He's not here right now. How's your beer?"
Bush: "Freedom."
Voter: "...Yeah. Great. You're picking up the tab, right?"
Voter: "So... I bet you guys put ketchup on lots of stuff, don't you?"
Kerry: "Ha ha... That's funny. But what isn't funny is the way our country has been denying health care to those individuals who need it. There are 200,000 people out there in whatever city a I happen to be in at the moment who went without health care. This is not right for people, this is not right for America. I plan to change this if elected in November."
Voter: "....Um.... What do you think of this bar? I've never been here before."
Kerry: "I'd like to field a question you didn't ask me, if I may. My stance on terror is firm. We will find terrorists wherever they may be and kill them to protect the American people. Also, health care."
Voter: "Hey, barkeep. Keep 'em coming."
I think what "I could have a beer with him" translates to is "He's a dumbfuck like me". People don't like intelligent people. They would much rather vote for an idiot so that they feel comfortable with their own idiocy. It amazes me that after abhorently pathetic displays in press conference questioning periods and the three debates that Bush still garners the respect of half of this country. Even someone who was completely ignorant to all the issues and couldn't comprehend at all what either cantidate was saying would clearly see that Kerry came out on top after the first debate. Every time Bush opens his mouth I expect his poll numbers to drop by at least 20% the next day. But, lo and behold, they stay the same, if not having increased. I guess I give this country too much credit. Most of us really are idiots who don't deserve to be voting.
Keep in mind I don't like Kerry either, but he's definintly the second worst choice. I normally avoid talking politics because people spend so much time on their blogs bitching about trivial things like this grammatical error or that group of 500 innocent Iraqi's bombed or slaughtered, but lately I've been more and more annoyed with our fucked-up political system and feel the need to write ineffectual snarky words about it. Maybe it's the whole "being in college" syndrome. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat pizza, hang out in the student center and play ultimate frisbee instead of writing a paper. Animal House ruled!